could be helpful app

so was listening to this podcast called "guys we fucked" and they had a guest who created this app meant to make it easier and less shameful to get tested for STI's the app is called BIEM(website:
the feature that was mentioned that got my attention was that you could add partners in the app and if they also used the app to get tested and they tested positive for something you would get an alert!!

i just thought this might be good for certain professionals and hobbyists i mean you already go through the process of some screening why not go the extra step and make sure your both safe to go all out(you probably still do) with little less concern that certain things will start itching or burning!!!

just an idea and now i open myself to great criticism let me know what yall think.
I'm all for it in the rw if you're single and just enjoying your sex life; however, you're going to be hard pressed to find hobbyists and providers making a list in an app with real names listing all their activities for anyone to find.