Kentucky Coal Museum converts to Solar ...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-07-2017, 05:52 PM

You can't make this shit up.

Well the Onion does but not this good!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LMAO! Watch their heads explode.
They don't like my add blocker so I know it's FAKE NEWS!

bamscram's Avatar
They don't like my brain blocker so I hope it's FAKE NEWS!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Don't listen to The Three Stooges/Birkenstock wearing Brangelina Peacenik useful-idiot-crowd...

Multinational Financial Interests Demand Trump Adhere To Paris Climate Accord…

Posted on May 7, 2017 by sundance

Behind the social justice interventionism of the Birkenstock wearing Brangelina Peacenik useful-idiot-crowd, there’s the group of multinational financial interests who play the strings on the idiots.

Multinational corporations and billionaire financiers use climate change as a tool toward furtherance of collected global wealth. Their strategy is quite simple, and has been played out for several cycles. Create an institutional trade instrument (housing financial bubble example), control it, drive the pricing to an apex and reap the financial rewards.

Their expressed holy grail for human control is a global tax on all people more commonly known as a “carbon-trading tax”. A planetary tax on personage. Various religious groups have a financial method to purchase entry to heaven called ‘indulgences’. Hence the comparison of Climate Change to a religion is exponentially accurate.

The “Carbon Trading” fundamental financial instrument is the foundational block of the financial interests behind modern climate change. The latest exhibition of a decades long series of international construct was the Paris Climate Change agreement.
REUTERS – Investors with more than $15 trillion of assets under management urged governments led by the United States to implement the Paris climate accord to fight climate change despite U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats to pull out.

“As long-term institutional investors, we believe that the mitigation of climate change is essential for the safeguarding of our investments,” according to the letter signed by 214 institutional investors and published on Monday.

“We urge all nations to stand by their commitments to the Agreement,” it said. Signatories of the letter included the California Public Employees Retirement System and other pension funds from Sweden to Australia.

The letter was addressed to governments of the Group of Seven, before a summit in Italy on May 25-26, and to leaders of the Group of 20 who will meet in Germany in July.

Trump is due to announce in coming days whether he will carry out a campaign threat to “cancel” the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to limit a rise in temperatures by phasing out use of fossil fuels.

The European Union has been scrambling to persuade Trump, who wants to bolster the U.S. coal industry, to stick with the accord. His advisers have warned of legal problem if Washington stays but waters down its climate commitments. (read more).

It’s never about “climate”, or “planetary climate control” that’s a ridiculously silly exposition to even discuss amid any intellectual person unconnected to the payoff at the end of the climate rainbow. The real motive here is “control”… over people.

The climate changes. Go see the Grand Canyon, or dig up a dinosaur bone to see the reality of it. The state of Florida is sand and phosphate because it used to be completely under water. However, humans have no impact on the planets’ ability to change.

Human evolution changes as the planet changes, not vice-versa – see skin colors etc.

The 2010 Icelandic Volcanic Eruption contributed as much CO2 to the atmosphere as over 100 years of industrial human activity; in less than 30 minutes of natural volcanic output.

Climate change is real, it has always been thus. Man-made climate change is a complete and utter fraud, just ask the Wooly Mammoth.

The goal of the Climate Change religion is this:


Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. SImple Jack's head has exploded.

Man the lifeboats!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why is this news? so what if a coal museum is using solar to power the building. I assume the management decided a cost effective way to power its building.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did the museum run on Coal before changing to solar?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Did the museum run on Coal before changing to solar? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Probably just got lights and AC. Before each visitor was issued:

with embedded ear pieces to "hear" the tour!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did the museum run on Coal before changing to solar? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Probably. You DO know how they make electricity, right?

Hint -- it isn't by rubbing a balloon on your argyle sleeveless pullover, dipshit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2017, 08:38 AM
Did the museum run on Coal before changing to solar? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It ran on electricity powered by coal...

Solar is starting to make economic sense. You do know what that means right?

Continuing to want coal is like resisting cars and wanting to ride your horse cross country instead.

  • DSK
  • 05-08-2017, 08:42 AM
It ran on electricity powered by coal...

Solar is starting to make economic sense. You do know what that means right?

Continuing to want coal is like resisting cars and wanting to ride your horse cross country instead.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Coal is dead and should be replaced by gas generation. Solar and windmills may prove to be too maintenance intensive, but maybe not. Both are at a price they make sense to study the total cost over their life cycles, and compare to gas generation.

You cannot do without gas for peak electricity needs and dependability.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2017, 09:19 AM
Coal is dead and should be replaced by gas generation. Solar and windmills may prove to be too maintenance intensive, but maybe not. Both are at a price they make sense to study the total cost over their life cycles, and compare to gas generation.

You cannot do without gas for peak electricity needs and dependability. Originally Posted by DSK
Never said anything about not wanting to use gas...but if one looks at the massive oil/gas finds and the price to bring it to the consumer, one might conclude that coal is gone.

Oh we could start a war with NK and knock out their coal production and then sell our coal to China....that sounds so cost productive! Maybe that is the Trump plan to get coal miners back to work!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
All of the maintenance costs are well known. The cost for turbine maintenance comes down for each new generation of turbines due to design and improvement in the material sciences manufacturing process. Scaling the turbines up can reduce costs even more. The cost of maintenance for a small turbine is the same as for a large turbine. The scheduled down time cost less per KW for a larger turbine. The maint. cost per turbine is currently @2% of original installed cost of the turbine per year. Life cycle is 20 years. Solar doesn't really require much maint. time unless atmospheric conditions are bad (smog, salt spray, etc.) They're typically made from tempered glass to resist damage from hail.
Also, tracking mounts, if used, will have a higher level of maint needed.
The life cycle for panels is 25 years.
Coal is dead and should be replaced by gas generation. Solar and windmills may prove to be too maintenance intensive, but maybe not. Both are at a price they make sense to study the total cost over their life cycles, and compare to gas generation.

You cannot do without gas for peak electricity needs and dependability. Originally Posted by DSK