Wall of shame

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Recently I started a bit of a shit storm in my home based forum for calling out a hobbiest on his bullshit. What he had done was write 4 consecutive reviews in a row. Now I can't prove without using RW info and simply put it asked people to go on their gut feeling on this. It got me to thinking though about the fact others have been truly caught at doing such a thing and so have providers writing their own reviews. Now if I was a hobbiest I would want to know if someone has faked a review before and all known bandles of that person. As for providers in would want to know so I can look over my reviews to make sure that hobbiest didn't write a fake review on me. Sometimes we just can't keep up with every single review. So how about a main national forum that has all handles and bandles of faked reviews? Personally I would also like hobbiest that continually uses the word "whore" in such a degrading and derogatory way that it means the have serious mom and women issues with themselves also on this list or another list, but that's a long shot hope. So can a wall of shame list be made and how do you feel about the idea?
eccie is pretty much against list that are looked at in a "negative" fashion..
we can make lists of top hot looking chicks on the west coast, but it pretty much ends there.

i can imagine a negative list would just cause a lot of unnecessary drama.

the best thing is for you to just avoid him. inform the ladies that you are close with. share his info in this ladies areas here and other places on the www.

you live in austin. im pretty sure when a woman opens their mouth they cause a shit storm. you have some pretty shitty men on eccie down there. some great men live there, its where i went to college.. but the loud mouths on your boards make me so happy that i didnt end up escorting there. just ignore them.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Most of the time I ignore them but I still don't understand why people wouldn't want to know who has faked reviews. Whether it male or female a fake review has nothing to do male egos? How is it a male ego if a provider writes her own review? What about hobbiest that followed another's reviews and later on find out that the session never happened and that's why they had a bad experience?
burkalini's Avatar
Most of the time I ignore them but I still don't understand why people wouldn't want to know who has faked reviews. Whether it male or female a fake review has nothing to do male egos? How is it a male ego if a provider writes her own review? What about hobbiest that followed another's reviews and later on find out that the session never happened and that's why they had a bad experience? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Simply because it would start some fake shaming on the Providers part. They do it all the time on the black list. Negative list are open to fakery just like fake reviews.

FirePhoenix's Avatar
That is a truly Good point I hadn't thought about. Only those reviews that are truly proven to be fake should be on the wall of shame. It's an even sadder fact that amp reviews can be so easily faked. Why can't a receipt be part of the verification process of an amp review?
i would suggest to go to member suggestions and post this there..

lists have been brought up and they are shut down.

thats why we have a ladies only area and other blacklist sites.

talking about this stuff in coed just causes enough drama as it it, so...

in a review world you will always have fakes, youll always have perception and youll always have typos..
That is a truly Good point I hadn't thought about. Only those reviews that are truly proven to be fake should be on the wall of shame. It's an even sadder fact that amp reviews can be so easily faked. Why can't a receipt be part of the verification process of an amp review? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
How do you know review are fake? Do you know clients wrote fake reviews?Everybody should be apart verification process it's illegal business everyones at risks.Blacklist everybody should see.A lot of judgmental analyzers.
i found a partial reason behind this thread... ill paste what you wrote

"The best thing to do is either ignore or use the OP until he messes up gets banned and comes back as a bandle." i dont know why you even typed anything after OP. seriously, just ignore that guy. what good does replying to him bring to your life? i cant think of a thing.....
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have put that OP back into the idiot box. At this point it really does come down to the issue of fake reviews. I've learned a lot about the issue then I ever wanted to know and I wish there was something that can be done about the issue. To me it's a huge insult to the providers that truly earn their reviews and the hobbiest that take a chance and money to see them while someone else is just lazy.
well, i wish you luck.
ter has banned people from accusations of this, but one person claimed to be falsely banned.. the world will never know.
yelp is full of fake reviews..
amazon is full of fake reviews...

unfortunately with the anonymity of the internet and ability to post from various places or even make it look like you are posting from various places from the comfort of your parents basement (not you, i mean the lowlifes that still live there)...

if you find a solution, id love to hear it!
Hookers trying to run away business from other hookers. Start lie and rumors and fake reviews rumors.Ruthless business just to get money and discredit others hookers.Wall of shame
FirePhoenix's Avatar
All very good points that I truly haven't thought about. I have no idea on what a good and solid solution is to this problem. Looking at the bigger picture now I'm not sure if anyone can come with an answer.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
joesmo888's Avatar
I think it is pretty obvious which reviews are fake and not. every home board on here has some online detectives who call out BS when they see it.