Open posting a PM from a mod

MT Pockets's Avatar
Can I post or share a PM from a Moderator on a thread or with another Member. Tired of dealing with a liar and its the only solution I have found. Thanks
gman44's Avatar
a mod is a member of this site so no

if you have some trouble on this site you can pm me and I'll do my best to help
Namssa's Avatar
You can RTM a pm and that will go to all the staff in that area and also to the admins. Just hit the and type in the box what you have to report.
MT Pockets's Avatar
a mod is a member of this site so no

if you have some trouble on this site you can pm me and I'll do my best to help Originally Posted by gman44
Thanks1 I will send you the details.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You can RTM a pm and that will go to all the staff in that area and also to the admins. Just hit the and type in the box what you have to report. Originally Posted by Namssa
I do not have a issue with a mod. Another member is who I am calling out. Hopefully Gman44 can sort it out for me. Thanks
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-20-2017, 05:14 PM
So, why can't we forward PMs from one member to another? I get posting in public... *shrug*