It's become cool to be a dick behind a computer screen. Dallas, this is enough. Calling the old guard..

LovingKayla's Avatar

I am posting a disclaimer for this thread

I am very aware I have alot to lose by posting this. I'm all in. Deal the cards.

Lately, the harder you are on someone, the more you are to be
believed, or allowed to continue your degenerate behavior. If you are snide and rude and slice at someone with your words, you feel power because no one will stand up to you.

News break guys and dolls, I am actually back. I am not afraid of what I think and I'm definitely not afraid to post or be myself. When I was a baby provider, I found my way onto ASPD and found a home and a literal family. We took care of each other... And that was just in the open... in private you'd think we were actually one huge family.

I miss my family. You are all still here but have been run off the boards by these assholes that are rude, crude, and cruel to anyone that posts something besides vulgar threads or pics or comments.

I would only be taking an enormous risk by posting this if I were wrong (and I'm not.) <-thanks for the PM but I'll take my chances.

People have taken out the family part of this and replaced it with "it's just a whore board." Yes it is a whore board, with my whore family. There are more of us than there are of them, we just stopped posting because it's not fun anymore. How many of you have told me that personally? Yes I'm talking to YOU. Come back to what WE had before all the little shit's came out of the wood work to devour our house.

Read that. There was no reason to post something so mean except to be mean and get a bunch of other mean people to post about how the OP was right and how gross blah blah blah. You're days are numbered. I am not taking this sitting down anymore.

This is only a whore board with dickhead people if we ALLOW them to continue.

I do believe budman was my original prick in this direction, but that thread Ze posted in chat was the last freaking straw. How dare you take a woman and throw her up to be raped in words. How dare you try to inflict pain on an innocent. If you really didn't realize that's what you were doing, you have time to post an apology to jules.

Jules honey, you are one of the single most beautiful women I've ever seen. Your breast is a work of art and there are tons of us that love it.

I do not care if I stand alone in this fight. I will still stand. I will call every single one of you jerks on the BS you post every single time I see it. You will grow so tired of me posting on your attack threads that you will give up and find another home for your venomous poison. I do not care if you threaten my business and terrorize me in email. You've no idea what I just came through, and I promise I will stand long after you've given your last struggle of a breath in defeat. You will NOT have one more provider or quiet guy to put under your belt.

Loving Kayla

Let's dance...

tramp76137's Avatar
go get um Tiger!
  • hd
  • 06-22-2011, 10:16 AM
+1 LK
Well said, Kayla.
ram1995's Avatar
Wow that was a fun reading!! I think it looks hot thanks Jules and of course Kayla for posting this.
countryplayboy's Avatar
Your right Kayla. People have let others push them away from this board. I am guilty of that. Would love to see this place fun again.
Remember not all Dicks are dicks...but I do have to agree that we have more than our share.
nbs4143's Avatar
Click on the "Like" on Kayla's post.

I like you girl... you have spunk and that is rare...
Budman's Avatar
Damn Kayla. That's some funny shit. I've read it 3 times and I can't stop laughing. All you need is a badge. Folks it looks like we have a new sheriff in town. Better watch your P's & Q's.
Budman -You're just mad because she's not JUST a vagina!
What? She has a brain? omg...YES SHE NEEDS A BADGE DAMMIT!

The old days of A*p*d were nice, except for the small percentage of population that still believed the women should not speak until spoken to.

Unfortunately it seems there's still some of that lingering around these parts...

Italiana Princess
+100..I know EXACTLY what you mean, Kayla
ShysterJon's Avatar
That's my Kayla! Too shy to ever speak her mind. Haha.
Budman's Avatar
Me mad, never. Amused, most definitely.
mpython1's Avatar
Kayla, I agree with your message. But when did dicks get such a bad rap? Being a pussy denotes being unmanly, which should be a true statement, but being a dick has become synonymous with being mean and unthoughtful. Now when blood is diverted from the big head to the little head, there isn't much thinking going on, I still think dicks should be given the benefit of the doubt. IMHO

ShysterJon's Avatar
They're pencildicks, not dicks. They don't deserve to be called the same name as a manly rod.