Ok, explanation

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-26-2011, 07:29 PM
Ok, now that the thread is closed. Let me here from the ones of you with the reason on why I should have put my real name out there. And the old "it may come back at a future time" excuse" is way to vague, Be specific. I want to see how this can effect more than my self.

motorload, if after reading the response, if you guys are right or make better sense, i will ask that it be buried.

5 days left
umm honey, what are you talking about?

EDIT: Now that I see what you are talking about.....wth is wrong with you? Maybe "you" don't have shit to lose, but the rest of us who are in contact with you certainly do. Shame on you for only thinking of yourself and not the ramifications YOUR actions have on others. I am extremely disappointed in you. Nobody can stop you if you are hellbent on spiraling out of control. But don't take everybody else with you-especially those who are trying to help you. And that includes me.

Tsk Tsk...
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-26-2011, 07:52 PM
Shame on you for only thinking of yourself... Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan


and with that I am done with this. Officially.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-26-2011, 07:54 PM
so, no offense, it is more about everyone elese than me wanting to put my real name out there. I see..........................o p please close and delete, bury, Jimmy Hoffa other thread.......
so, no offense, it is more about everyone elese than me wanting to put my real name out there. I see..........................o p please close and delete, bury, Jimmy Hoffa other thread.......
motorload Originally Posted by motorload
I am saying this as your friend....but dude, you putting your name out there potentially links everyone, and everything, from this board DIRECTLY to you. but you just can't see that can you? this isn't about "you." it's about this community and the people in it. this whole other life of ours is successful only when it is based on being anonymous. and you're fucking it up for everyone. STOP IT! If you want to fuck up your own life then so be it. But I will be damned if you are going to fuck up mine-I can do that all by myself without help from you or anyone else. I do have a lot to lose. And I will be really pissed if I lose it because of somebody else's actions. END OF STORY!
I closed the other thread because outing yourself might be OK, but best to think about it a little and what impact it might have. I will reopen it if you really want but please lets see what come up on this thread first, OK?

Without knowing anything about you, I can only make very general observations

Many if not most employers now search the internet for info on applicants. Could be a big negitive to have your name on a board like this. Same thing if someone used you as a reference.

Same thing with a possible future SO.

If you were to be busted, a quick search would lead LE directly to this site. While I doubt we are any real secret, unnessarry rasing of our profile does endanger all of us

Ill add more as I think of it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I just don't get how you remotely gain anything by outing yourself. Hell, I have no idea whether you even gave us your real name but still; there is nothing to gain from saying who you may really be for you or anyone else.

If you really want to out yourself, you should just e-mail everyone you give a shit about and tell them what's going on instead of supposedly posting your real name on this board for thousands to see.

I had to do a quick review of your most recent posts and you seem very down in the dumps. That, and the fact that you keep giving a countdown makes me wonder about what's going on in your mind. I hope it's not what I am thinking. If so, go get help Man, from trained professionals because this board is not the place to find it if you are feeling such despair.

Then again, I don't know you so for all I know you may just be an attention whore. And you would be neither the 1st nor the last who was on this board so don't take that as an insult.
Luvyduvy's Avatar
I am single and don't hide my hobby life from anyone - however, I do not give out my online identities so freely so as to connect one with the other. That is how I am for the last several years but not so at the beginning and I learned a very valuable lesson with minimal damage.

Years ago I created an email with a cute variation of my real name - the purpose of that email was to be my 'online-play' persona and all connected with it.

As the early days of spam began to overload my main emails - I gradually gave out my play email as the real me.

I limited the use of that account in the hobby world and things were fine for about 5 years, got complacent... which is carelessness.

Soomewhere back then, I thought I might give civvie dating another chance via Match.com and soon found a promising lady (2009). After 3 wonderful dates, I was thinking 'I could marry this lady.'

The next morning, I see her email and my heart starts racing with anticipation...
(not verbatim, but something like this...)

'I'm sorry, but at all of my friends urging - I did a google search on ''''my email name before the @'''' (It was the same as my ter handle, oooooooooooooops) You FUCKING ASSHOLE !!!!! Stick to your fucking whores and I am still washing my mouth out with Listerine and thank god I didn't let you do much else. I am going to talk to the police. You are total scum. ..."


deep breath... I am not total scum...

so I emailed back ...

I can see now that someone with your attitude would never click with me, and vice-versa. Sorry for the upset, but you don't really understand this world. And it was left behind for the right person, which I thought could be you.

I never heard from her again, nor the police.

the moral of the story - yes, crazy things happen online - digital footprints that we really don't understand... and on message boards all of us are linked in ways that we are not aware...

so we must be careful, motorload - try not to be so defensive and realize there's more to this than YOU
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
so, no offense, it is more about everyone elese than me wanting to put my real name out there. I see..........................o p please close and delete, bury, Jimmy Hoffa other thread.......
motorload Originally Posted by motorload
This thread should be buried as well, motorload. Discretion is the "golden rule" of this demimonde. If you do not understand that at this point of your life and with now TWO topics on it, then there is no reason to go into detail and explain it.

Just trust us on this one. And if you're not careful with your information, then others are not going to feel that you're going to be careful with theirs.

Once again, I've reported this topic to the Dallas moderators. I'm sure by now that they're sick of me reporting you this evening. But I'll try to make it up to them at a later date!!!

mtabsw's Avatar
Real world murder case. Police, after a couple of months of "usual suspects" looked at the deceased's "Favorite List" - found one a lady hosts, and requires "membership".

Detectives then investigate the hostess of the website, and invite her in for questioning. They had, among other things,during the questioning a printed copy of all of her reviews - taking her through them to see if she had any knowledge about the victim. While no threats were made, no "person of interest" statements, if you know police, "answering a few questions" is not something you want to do without a lawyer.

Further, they made it very pleasant, relaxing etc, reassuring her that while they knew a lot about her business, they were not just homicide, but her small change illegal activities were totally irrelevant since they were not committed in their jurisdiction.

Let's stop here for a second - everything I've said above is fact. I'm technical enough to know it doesn't take long to learn a lot about anyone on the internet, but if they're hosting a website it becomes pretty simple.

ISV's are pushovers for requests from the police.

Now, let's start fantasizing.again:

What if said provider piqued LE interest. Now they have a list of her members from her website - not too big btw - and even cooler, some matches between that list and the list of reviewers - also not too big in a murder case to dig a little deeper based on the hypothesis she had a dispute with the deceased and asked/blackmailed one of her clients into a "hit".

They search the board for everything from those members, hoping that they can find a way from their handle to a name. Easier already that they may have sent an email from their own account to her.

End of fantasy section

Back to reality. The common name makes it even more likely damaging to all the other people with that common name who need to explain where they were on the night of July 22 between 8 and 10pm.

Seriously motorload, I think even self-outing is a really really really bad idea. I've done bad idea things myself, but like to stick with Daddy's advice - "If one person calls you a horse's ass, ignore it. If everyone does, buy a saddle"
Lana Warren's Avatar
Ok, let's not fly off the handle, folks!

For those who know Motorload, we know that he is struggling! Is he out to hurt us? Hell NO!

I really don't give a damn if this is an escort board or not! He is my friend and I will stand by him and see that he gets help!

I'm sure each and every one of you, at some time in your life, have had the same feelings that he has! Right now, he needs support, not bashing!
Boltfan's Avatar

You have revealed your name to many of us in private. Being open with us is fine, posting in the open for anyone with an agenda is just not a good idea.
Ok, let's not fly off the handle, folks!

For those who know Motorload, we know that he is struggling! Is he out to hurt us? Hell NO!

I really don't give a damn if this is an escort board or not! He is my friend and I will stand by him and see that he gets help!

I'm sure each and every one of you, at some time in your life, have had the same feelings that he has! Right now, he needs support, not bashing! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
He is my friend too. But he is not thinking straight and enough is enough Lana. I have to draw the line, when you cross the line....


motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-26-2011, 10:09 PM
I wish to have both threads buried and disposed of. Again as usual, I apologize for pissing people off.