Giving up and moving on?

secondHandNews's Avatar
Gents: Picture a scenario where you see a new provider. It's a good session, with both of you doing your best to get past the awkwardness of a first meet. Second time is great--lots of fun playtime and exhaustion. But the third time is disappointing. You chalk it up to "one of those days," and you later see her again. But that session is also bad; she gives you attitude, looks disinterested, tells you to hurry up, and hustles you out the door. How many chances do you give a provider, knowing that you've previously had good-to-great sessions, before you cut your losses and move on?

I had this happen recently, and because of it, I'm thinking of instituting a two-bad-sessions-in-a-row-and-I'm-out policy.

Ladies: Likewise, how many chances do you give a previously good-to-great client, before you conclude that the "vibe just isn't right" and you start declining his requests?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-15-2023, 06:37 PM
Report with a encounter report and move on, she doesn't care so why should you? You've list $ and time already
Chung Tran's Avatar
Usually one strike is out for me. In rare cases I gave a Provider another chance. I have to say I was glad I did, because they really delivered.
Personally id cut my losses the first time she gives attitude, looks uninterested, tells you to hurry, etc.
bobbyb1234's Avatar
For me, I'd give two strikes. By the second, if she's not apologizing or making it up in some way, then I am out. I'm using my dough to get a session where I feel good. If that does not happen, I'll find someone else who is more enthusiastic to see me.
Report with a encounter report and move on, she doesn't care so why should you? You've list $ and time already Originally Posted by BLM69

All they see is $$$. Cut them loose and move on!