Even though moderate Republican candidates lose presidential elections without the conservative base (see: George H.W. Bush '92, Bob Dole '96, John McCain '08, Mitt Romney '12), former Florida Governor and potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush thinks conservatives are not needed to win the White House. It will be interesting to watch Jeb Bush maneuver his way into the nomination without the conservative base.
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  • 12-02-2014, 04:16 PM
So you think it is the conservative base that wins Presidential Elections and not the mushy center?

I think you think the tail wags the dog....

Far right wins the primaries, and loses the general election. He is at least able to grasp that Whirlagay ain't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The "conservative base" whir-LIE-turd has anointed comprises the very extremists that have driven true Republicans and moderate conservatives to vote Democrat or stay home.

It's about time the "conservative base" secedes from the GOP and declares its independence. Everybody will rediscover their spirit. TeaWipes will be on their own to sink or not pay someone to teach their children how to swim.
I hope Jeb decides to throw his hat in the ring and if so, I hope he wins the Republican nomination. If he were to become President, I believe he will be more like his Father (that's a good thing) than his incompetent Brother. Will I vote for him if he wins the nomination? It depends upon who he chooses to be his running mate and of course, who eventually wins the Democratic nomination.
rioseco's Avatar
Just my opinion but I do not want another birthright presidency. Even Jebs mom said, we have had enough Bush presidents. I saw that brief video statement twice last year. I am a true conservative, but no more Bush. He is too soft for me, although most anything to the right beats the clown we have now.
Just the media picking our monarch... again
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Unfortunately, I see no viable candidates anywhere on the political scene for either party.

I was disappointed with the Democratic party candidates who did not want to even have President Barack Obama on their campaign stage. Ungrateful bastards!

. . . It was reminiscent of how Al Gore distanced himself from Bill Clinton and paid the price for that miscalculation by losing to Bush. The Democratic Party is in the process of making the same under estimation and will lose the election, but it is the country that will suffer with another Republican from the clown car.

Far right wins the primaries, and loses the general election. He is at least able to grasp that Whirlagay ain't. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Then why do so many democrats sound like Ronald Reagan when they try to win general elections? A conservative Republican candidate (Ted Cruz, Ben Carson) will win in 2016. A democrat-lite candidate will go down in flames like the last two and give the presidency to Hillary.
Then why do so many democrats sound like Ronald Reagan when they try to win general elections? A conservative Republican candidate (Ted Cruz, Ben Carson) will win in 2016. A democrat-lite candidate will go down in flames like the last two and give the presidency to Hillary. Originally Posted by filbone
the OP was about Bush not democrats. Stay focused.
Then why do so many democrats sound like Ronald Reagan when they try to win general elections? A conservative Republican candidate (Ted Cruz, Ben Carson) will win in 2016. A democrat-lite candidate will go down in flames like the last two and give the presidency to Hillary. Originally Posted by filbone
Along with the OP, this is exactly the attitude that will result in another democrat living in the White House for the next four years. They truly believe that nuts like Cruz and Carson are electable. Jeb Bush has instant credibility with the middle, center right and probably a fair amount of center left folks. He's pragmatic, experienced and he's not a drooling, bomb-throwing lunatic like Ted Cruz and, to a lesser extent, Dr. Carson. Isn't Carson the creationist who denies evolution? Loonie.

And, yet another acknowledgment that the GOP icon Reagan would be considered a liberal democrat by today's whackadoos.......
Same flattering bullshit that was said about Bob Dole and John McCain. And both those "pragmatists" had an impressive military record to boot.

And I can't even recall how many times the American left called Candidate Reagan a war mongering fanatical loon. Now the ECCIE left are calling him a moderate ? HAHAHAHAHA....

....Jeb Bush has instant credibility with the middle, center right and probably a fair amount of center left folks. He's pragmatic, experienced and he's not a drooling, bomb-throwing lunatic....

And, yet another acknowledgment that the GOP icon Reagan would be considered a liberal democrat by today's whackadoos....... Originally Posted by timpage
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  • 12-03-2014, 05:08 PM

And I can't even recall how many times the American left called Candidate Reagan a war mongering fanatical loon. Now the ECCIE left are calling him a moderate ? HAHAHAHAHA.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Reagan not only cut taxes with one hand but he restored then with the other....thus tricking a whole generation of Tea wack a doodoo's that only understood the first hand slight of hand.

Reagan's trickle down effect was him pissing down our neck, and telling us it was raining.