No Indictment In New York

I guess we now have another case where a person gets in a confrontation with the Police, and a death occurs.

More injustice?? Or just another criminal refusing to follow the instructions of the cops during an arrest.

We will see.
Naaaa.... Whitey is out to get the Brother....

Nevemind, the reason, why the brother encountered law enforcement... Or the fact the brother did not comply with instructions.....


We should just make some new rules...

The first would be;

Go do what ever your heart fancies, then when confronted by LAW ENFORCEMENT, hand them your, " Get Out Of Jail For Free Card"
First off the so called "Choke Hold" is not applied nor is it designed to cut off the airway of a person. It is designed to compress the carotid artery to minimize combativeness by reducing oxygen to the brain. If applied long enough a person will pass out. I doubt Mr. Garner died from the application of the choke hold in and of itself but rather the fact he was grossly overweight and the excessive exertion coupled with health problems may have been the true culprit of his demise. Furthermore when Garner said he couldn't breath he actually could, cause you can't speak when you are choking. He most likely was beginning to panic. The Officer involved wasn't trying to kill Garner nor did he do anything that would ordinarily cause death.

rioseco's Avatar
I guess we now have another case where a person gets in a confrontation with the Police, and a death occurs.

More injustice?? Or just another criminal refusing to follow the instructions of the cops during an arrest.

We will see. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Since I wasn't sitting on the grand jury, I can't say for certain that the cop was innocent or guilty. However I can say IMHO that excessive force was used against an alleged criminal. The alleged cried out he could not breath, the police did not relent and soon afterward he died.

This is not the Brown/Wilson case. It is totally different. This man was not attacking police, he was protesting being arrested or detained. Hell that is within his rights. In this instance his hands truly were up. He had no weapon, and his fist were not clenched as if posed for an assault on the police. He was not running away. His intent was defensive and not offensive.

I have been arrested and I know that some cops can be real dicks. Personally I suspect cops because I had a look inside the system at how they can be egotistical and masochistic. NOT ALL cops, but many are real assholes and are hypocrites. They will lock you up and go and do exactly the same thing that you were arrested for because they are "in the click or club." I've seen it again and again. Not by all but many.

This cop was being overly brutalistic in using a choke hold. He was arresting an alleged "cigarette scalper",not public enemy number one ! He was also aided in pinning and holding the man down in the prone or face down position by 3 or 4 more cops. This contributed to chest compression which compounded with a throat injury killed this man. Don't trust me, listen to the coroners report.

I am an avid FNC viewer and many on the network agreed to the same on air. I am a hard right conservative and frequently criticize liberals and their minority minions for their actions. This time I can criticize no one but the police. No one was being assaulted, no looting or burgalry took place. Nothing I see demanded the tactics used against the victim. Selling cigarettes on the street, even illegally does not warrant this behavior. This time it truly is a damn shame !
rioseco's Avatar
My previous comment in no way is to be mistaken as a free token for further lawless action in NYC, Ferguson Mo. or any where else.

Again... Cooperation with the LAW ENFORCEMENT, Probably would have went a long way.

But when THE BITCH REFUSES... The trick will get angry.

Liberal life... Must be nice... Just talk to the man once a month and get your check.

Some of them run out of money 2 days after the check was sent...
I guess we now have another case where a person gets in a confrontation with the Police, and a death occurs.

More injustice?? Or just another criminal refusing to follow the instructions of the cops during an arrest.

We will see. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I dunno. I was pretty much in agreement with you and most of what you posted about the Brown deal. You're lumping too many blacks (like, all of them) into the small group that is causing this problem but all of you do that..... This one....have you seen the video? It looked to me like the big black dude threw his hands up after the cop started choking him out. At least one of his hands is still stuck out on the sidewalk, wide open, when they take him to the ground and are cuffing him. I mean, I get it....shit, if I'm that little bitty white cop taking on that monster, I'm going flat out until he is down and cuffed....but still....doesn't really look like he is resisting. Also...shit, man...that guy is a walking heart attack anyway, right? Had to go 300 lbs. Still....

I'll say this though and argue the point with anybody: When the cops tell you to do something, you do it. Doesn't make any difference if the cop is over the top, being stupid, exceeding his authority....whatever....he's got the gun and the badge. You're an idiot if you do anything other than say "yes, sir" or "no, sir" or, best of all if you are convinced you are going to jail "I'd like a lawyer, sir."
I dunno. I was pretty much in agreement with you and most of what you posted about the Brown deal. You're lumping too many blacks (like, all of them) into the small group that is causing this problem but all of you do that..... This one....have you seen the video? It looked to me like the big black dude threw his hands up after the cop started choking him out. At least one of his hands is still stuck out on the sidewalk, wide open, when they take him to the ground and are cuffing him. I mean, I get it....shit, if I'm that little bitty white cop taking on that monster, I'm going flat out until he is down and cuffed....but still....doesn't really look like he is resisting. Also...shit, man...that guy is a walking heart attack anyway, right? Had to go 300 lbs. Still....

I'll say this though and argue the point with anybody: When the cops tell you to do something, you do it. Doesn't make any difference if the cop is over the top, being stupid, exceeding his authority....whatever....he's got the gun and the badge. You're an idiot if you do anything other than say "yes, sir" or "no, sir" or, best of all if you are convinced you are going to jail "I'd like a lawyer, sir." Originally Posted by timpage
I have been watching all of this unfold this evening.
I see little in common with the Michael Brown incident. In that incident, you had a Police Officer who was physically attacked in a violent manner by a young man who had just committed an assault.

In the Eric Garner case, we have a man who, by the video, simply grew tired of being, from his point of view, harassed by the Police for a meaningless crime. But, we all know that once the police inform you that you are being arrested, that's it. If you fight, you just committed a more serious crime, if you actually hit a cop, you are now into felony charges.

Eric Garner had a long rap sheet. Many of his crimes were minor charges, such as the selling of loose smokes. But some were more serious, including assault. In fact, he was out on bail when this incident took place.

I doubt there will be any Federal action against the Officer in Ferguson, but in the case of this New York officer, I suspect he will face Federal charges.
LexusLover's Avatar
How many saw the video (as far as was released on the media)?

Whether for the right or wrong reason in the mind of the citizen, when the cops tell someone to turn around and put their hands behind their back so they can be handcuffed, the citizen needs to comply. Period. This guy was not doing that and he was backing away from the officer confronting him (not touching him yet) and holding his hands up in a defensive mode .... noncompliance.

The guy was 2-3 x's bigger than the officer ... and noncomplying.

The "we are Black people so don't arrest us" gang is just going to continue getting people (of all colors) hurt, because those people are NOW BEGINNING TO "THINK" they don't have to comply with what the police are telling them.

We now even have professional football players playing to the "crowd" ... the professional sports folks need to wake up and smell the coffee too ... sexual assaults, family violence, drunk driving, and carrying weapons into the airport to get on a plane .. the list is endless. "The Entitlement" group is not setting a good example for their admirers!

Grow up folks: Do you want the "Wild, Wild West" again? I don't think so.

The common denominator with Brown .... the incredible hulk ... who is used to pushing, bullying, and intimidating people with their size. That is what got both of those guys killed. Not a quick draw cop or a "choke hold"~!

Now "we" have "lawmakers" advocating what amounts to a "Black exception" to the Penal Codes and Codes of Criminal Procedure. Listen to them! Aka "Black Affirmative Action" in the criminal justice system.

I heard one advocating indictment whether the cop intended to kill the "victim" or not, claiming the DA ought to file criminal charges against the cop even if the cop did not intend to kill the guy. Is this a separate legal standard for LE? Does he want Black people indicted even if they didn't intend to kill someone? Huh .. no!
universalenergy's Avatar
Just like the old New York Irish cops would say:
I don't beat you because I hate you.
I only beat you to show you my authority.
rioseco's Avatar

Again... Cooperation with the LAW ENFORCEMENT, Probably would have went a long way.

But when THE BITCH REFUSES... The trick will get angry.

Liberal life... Must be nice... Just talk to the man once a month and get your check.

Some of them run out of money 2 days after the check was sent... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
I cannot disagree with the belief that had Garner turned around 180 degrees and thrown his hands behind his back things would had turned out much differently. I cannot deny that he had a lengthy list of offenses. I know that cops have a tough job and face risk. However they are supposed to be the professionals. They are supposed to be trained and skilled in diffusing arbitrary situations.

If an alleged offender is threatning or fighting them, then more force IS required. If the alleged offender is simply backing up against a building and raising his hands (palms out) while trying to voice his objection to arrest but not PHYSICALLY resisting, he should not be dealt with this brutally.

Maybe Garner could breath a little. Yes he was speaking, but how do you explain that he had throat bruising, chest compression and died of asphyxiation if he were not telling the cops the truth ??? I don't think the cops intened to harm him, but harm them they did. Even resisting arrest (unarmed) does not warrant excessive force and jeopardy to loss of life or limb.
LexusLover's Avatar
I cannot disagree with the belief that had Garner turned around 180 degrees and thrown his hands behind his back things would had turned out much differently. I cannot deny that he had a lengthy list of offenses. I know that cops have a tough job and face risk. However they are supposed to be the professionals.

They are supposed to be trained and skilled in diffusing arbitrary situations. Originally Posted by rioseco
Did you see the video?

Explain just how long a cop is supposed to stand there in front of the "incredible hulk" 2-3x's his size "diffusing" the "incredible hulk's arbitrary" refusal to turn around and put his hands behind is back.

1. until the incredible hulk grabs him and chokes him to death?
2. until the incredible hulk says fuck you and walks away?
3. until the incredible hulk reaches in his pocket and pulls a weapon?
4. until the incredible hulk reaches for the cop's weapon?
5. until a crowd forms surrounding the cop and separating him from the hulk?
6. etc., etc.

If you want cops to be lawyers and shrinks then pay for their schooling to get the credentials to be a lawyer and a shrink, then pay them $200 an hour being cross-trained in those professions ... and in New York that would be about $400 an hour.

With all due respect to the whiners and Monday morning quarterbacks ...

.............. it's easy while sitting on the bench to critique the game.

Cops have barely seconds to make a decision and act .... lawyers, shrinks, and internet junkies, along with politicians, have days, weeks, months, and even years to analyze it, critique, and formulate a "plan of action"!

What's the old saying about ... "moccasins" and "Indians"????
LexusLover's Avatar
" Get Out Of Jail For Free Card" Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Does that come along with each "entitlement" check?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You'd know. Medicare leech!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You're lumping too many blacks (like, all of them) into the small group that is causing this problem but all of you do that..... Originally Posted by timpage

Classic Timmy