Lost My Review... Please HELP

  • Al.D
  • 06-24-2015, 07:31 PM
I absolutely Hate to bother anyone with this, But with the amount of time put into it, I'd hate to do it all over again. On the early to late morning of 6/22/15, I wrote a review on a provider. Took a few hours to finish up, as I take pride in the reviews I write, and write them in hope for the people of our community to enjoy. When I finally finished my review and hit submit, I was logged out. Got taken to a log in screen, signed in and the whole review thread was blank. Lost the whole review. If someone can please help me with the recovery of this, it would be greatly appreciated and I would be very thankful. I am not sure what else to do and only think the worst. (Writing it all over again).

Please Advise
Precious_b's Avatar
I think your only recovery would be to rewrite your review on an off site word processor/editor and make all changes there before hitting the New Review link here.

You only have a limited amount of time while doing the actual process of writing the review before the system logs you out.

The only possible way *I* think you could get it back is if you haven't closed any of the windows, hit the page back link and hopefully what you typed is there. Be sure to have logged into the site on another tab.
Once you start you have 1 hr to post or poof.

I suggest writing it in a word document then copy & paste. That's what I do. I've lost a few when it took too long and then make the decision to redo or say fuck it.
ck1942's Avatar
Happened to me yesterday elsewhere, using my brand spanking new tablet, thought I had "auto-save" on when I had to turn off the unit to continue a very fun engagement. I'd filled in all the fields, of course, but had not yet composed anything of real note in the ROS except an "on hold" note, so I could then return in a few minutes (OK, more tlike 25 minutes) and conclude. Fortunately my "field notes," which on a laptop I usually save in wordpad or in a gmail draft in this instance which obviously survived, because that's the way gmail works. But when I got back to the basic composition, the outline was gone (no biggie, the data is easily re-written) and wasn't even in my browser history!

So all of the advice above is quite valid. If whatever online unit you are using doesn't have the capability of saving much of anything, try making a draft in your email account.... then all you need to do when you get back to the review form, you should be able to cut-n-paste the body into the review. Tough lesson to learn, but once learned, twice saved.
BigGuy13's Avatar
I've even had it happen where I typed a long but quick response to someone, hit send, and got a PM that thankfully deleted my response. Now, I hit control A and control C before I hit send.