I vote straight R because the D’Souza don’t offer anything of worth

oilfieldace's Avatar
Are they bad Republicans? You bet your ass they R. But compared to the 90% stupidity and corruptness of the D’S doesn’t offer any other choice
I cannot conceive any scenario that would compel me to vote for a Democrat.

Most are just slime balls, and the ones that are not allow the other slime balls to remain in power.

If you vote for any Democrat, you are part of the problem.
ICU 812's Avatar
"A rose by any other name . . ."

Vote for policy not for personality
Yeah, I had to hold my nose today and vote straight "R" on my ballot. In the past, I would have considered (and voted) for an occasional Libertarian or other Independent candidate. However, the D's need a good reality check, and I can't risk having my vote diluted for that purpose.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, I had to hold my nose today and vote straight "R" on my ballot. In the past, I would have considered (and voted) for an occasional Libertarian or other Independent candidate. However, the D's need a good reality check, and I can't risk having my vote diluted for that purpose. Originally Posted by SecretE

exactly. i typically vote straight republican to vote against any and all democrats but i like some of the Libertarian platform. but the Libertarians don't have the base to go toe to toe with Democrats so especially this cycle the Democrats need to be historically spanked in the worst midterm ass kicking in history due to their far left progressive nonsense. so vote all republican. early and often.
