Look at this

afterdarkescorts's Avatar
Here is Kelly Sparks and her husbands brother makin out in a hotel room in Lafayette.. [forbidden topics removed]
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is there a point to this?
JMStryker's Avatar
and if there is, why isn't it in Alerts?
Its not an alert....sounds more like someone hating if anything......what does what a provider do on her offtime have to do with her providing....... plus the person placing the ad has no proof of anything that they say in the ad is tru...... and what does her not providing to blks have to do with her dating one??????....personally as a hobbiest I could give a hot damn who she dates
  • Wang
  • 04-27-2010, 06:02 AM
Its not an alert....sounds more like someone hating if anything......what does what a provider do on her offtime have to do with her providing....... plus the person placing the ad has no proof of anything that they say in the ad is tru...... and what does her not providing to blks have to do with her dating one??????....personally as a hobbiest I could give a hot damn who she dates Originally Posted by mrbig2284
Not that i have a horse in this race, but i disagree, i think what a provider does, and risks a provider takes in her personal life is very important when it comes to providing. Would you feel the same about your priest or your kids teacher if these same accusations were abound about them? Remember, condoms break, it's at that point it will really matter to you what lifestyle your provider has had privately, im certain it will matter to your wife and children.

Sorry i don't have much comment on the direct topic, I think the majority will stay clear of the drama to be on the safe side though.
It makes me want to stay away from AfterDark Escorts.

What, are we back in Jr. High?
I found it very interesting that the only (passive aggressive) posts that afterdark has made were to put a bad light on the competition....
afterdarkescorts's Avatar
There is no competition. We just thought that you guys would like to know what she is doing before 1 of you bring home something that will change your livelyhoods. Kelly Sparks A.K.A. Taylor A.K.A. Shelly Lewis is also the daughter to the owner of Nola Escorts and she is The sister to the owner of A better escort. If that is not something you would need to know then please forgive us for informing you we just thought you guys should know they are all connected and have been baiting and switching on you guys for many many years isnt this a good coed discussion or is it not. check it out http://nolaescorts.com/gallery1.htm this is motherly love..... sheis about the only real escort on this site the rest are fake belive me I know.
I do care what a provider does....but there was no information in the ad the says that any of that was true...... claims like that need to be backed up with facts....if not it just sounds like someone is hating on the provider...just the same I could say that afterdark escorts is run by a women beating and money taking pimp......but if I don't have proof of that then...... its just me hating .....that's all I am sayin
afterdarkescorts's Avatar
Yes. You should know who your dealing with. Once you have been informed that the stove is hot and you touch the thing anyway you deserve to get burned
gimme_that's Avatar
Once you have been informed that the stove is hot and you touch the thing anyway you deserve to get burned Originally Posted by afterdarkescorts
I thank you if you meant to post this in good faith to help all. Although you dont have much concrete evidence persay its something pertinent to know. Just be cognizant your posts and info's worth is somewhat reflected on who you are and what you know.

Sadly in situations similar to these where many have been affected the info isnt passed on fast enough.....or simply the damaging info no matter how legit after the fact in retrospect ..it is hushed and all reviews of said affected provider or hobbyist is erased eventually when word finally get out backchannel. Either way its shunned on board unless the affected finally posts something that validate suspicion.
scary stuff indeed. but i cant blame you for your extreme method of passing info....there seems to be no system in place liability wise here for anyone. and even if true ...some1 might be sued
@gimme that......I second that.....if u can say it, be able to prove it
we just thought you guys should know they are all connected and have been baiting and switching on you guys for many many years Originally Posted by afterdarkescorts
Very noble of you.

However, all of the regular dawgs here have known that for years. Come back when you have something pertinent to say.

Yes. You should know who your dealing with. Originally Posted by afterdarkescorts
Yes, thank you. You have given us quite a good idea of how you handle matters.
Goodtimes70806's Avatar
Looks like someone is hitting back on backpage:


Feuds like this one are bad for everyone's business and are often followed by LE busts after one of the feuding providers/agencies ups the ante and drops a dime to LE. Police reaction to these complaints is often to raise the heat on the hobby in general, possibly resulting in the arrest of providers and dawgs that were not even related to the original feud. My point?

I would recommend that all of us dawgs stay far, far away from both of these low wattage bulbs.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
without any kind of concrete proof, this stuff is just hearsay and invites possible retaliation by the 2nd party as shown in a recent backpage posting for lafayette area.

is this degenerating into pimp vs. pimp?