which hour

Hey hobbyists and providers,

let us discuss this interesting question.

For hobbyists, which hour is your favorite for fun? Moring, afternoon or night? I guess most will choose nighttime. Well, at night, ladies may be tired and am not energetic to show their best in case a lady sees three clients on day (morning 1, afternoon, 1, and night 1)... Morning may be a better choice if the above is true..

I also wonder how ladies think about this question?
Super Head 713's Avatar
Well I love to give it my best regardless what time of the day or night it is. A nice hard cock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner sounds FANTASTIC!
Oralist's Avatar
Mine is based mostly on when I am free from other things, like work, etc.

So, lunch time and right after work is when I see the Ladies.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Night time, hasn't been an issue so far.
tbone77494's Avatar
Morning as much as possible - best for my schedule, gives my morning wood something to look forward to, and I like to be first in line for the day.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I weather do my appt during the day and save the night time for beauty sleep..
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'd say that most clients can't play at their "favorite" time, but rather they have to at a time that is available for them to play. It seems to be mostly day time while they are at work because that is the time when they can sneak away and be unaccounted for, for an hour or so.

But night time after class is my favorite ..... something just turns me on about sitting in class like good girl all while knowing I will be getting fucked by a stranger in 90 minutes. Even now that sounds sexy ....
ICU 812's Avatar
I am at my best between mid morning to mid afternoon; so I tend to schedule sessions for !0 AM to 3PM.

At night I'm too tired myself.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I prefer the mornings, I like to eat early.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I have to choose??? WHY??? Isent anytime a good time to suck a sweet Cock?
boardman's Avatar
Between 9am - 4pm when I have nothing else to do.
I don't see people at night period!
1.) I'm too tired
2.) crazy people come out at night
3.) my neighbors are home

I prefer mornings or early afternoons like lunch time.
1.) I have more energy
2.) I like to get things done early so I don't have to wait around the rest of the day for another client.
3.) I have a life and do other things throughout my day.

Between 2-5pm is cutting it close for me.
1.) I normally don't see people in the time unless I know for sure I won't have anything to do
2.) I sometimes take naps then
3.) I am sometimes tired

8am-1pm are the best for me!
Either early or late not necessarily midday
cumalot's Avatar
Any time I'm awake and if I'm asleep wet dreams are ok to....so any time