What Do You Look For In A Provider?

Oralist's Avatar
Three things drive my decision to see a certain Lady.

1. Looks. Must be attractive to me.
2. Service. Real GFE is a must for me, but maybe not for others.
3. Price. We are all looking for the first two at the best price.

Personally, I find you can get attractive and great GFE service at a reasonable price.

I have also found that Drop Dead Beautiful and top of the line service cost more.

So, Guys, what is important for you in a Provider?

Providers may gain insight from the Guys answers.
Mark L's Avatar
Price and looks for me ,,you can have an overpriced girl that doesn't treat you well ,,and I personally like GF E ,,,but the GF e service nowadays it's too overpriced to me ,,that's just my opinion ,
Ability to Kiss, hold a conversation, and feel a connection determines whether I repeat... Initially looks, price, location, and reviews.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-19-2013, 08:03 AM
I think price is the obvious and not very informative answer since no one is looking to pay more than they can afford. Effectively the question is what would you look for in general and what would you settle for in the price you are willing to pay.
For me probably the priorities would be:
1. Service: GFE. That does not mean exactly the same thing to everyone, to me DFK & personality (as in non mechanical) is key. BBBJ is nice but could be overlooked in favor of other strong factors.
2. Looks: Must be reasonably attractive but I don't care if they are not a 10. A girls personality and sensuality is more attractive to me than looks.
3. Fitness: speaks for itself. I don't mean I am looking for an athlete, just someone who kind of takes care of themselves. Contradicting this I don't care if they are a smoker even though I am not. Just as long as they don't do it in a session and it does not feel like they have been doing so 5 minutes before. I really like physical flexibility too as I am a pretty flexible yoga practitioner.
4. (obviously) price. Can't have what you can't afford. Like everyone else I would rather get more for less - or rather more for the same amount. If a rate is good and I can go for 1.5 or 2hrs at the same price I would.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-19-2013, 08:05 AM
I think price is the obvious and not very informative answer since no one is looking to pay more than they can afford. Effectively the question is what would you look for in general and what would you settle for in the price you are willing to pay.
For me probably the priorities would be:
1. Service: GFE. That does not mean exactly the same thing to everyone, to me DFK & personality (as in non mechanical) is key. BBBJ is nice but could be overlooked in favor of other strong factors.
2. Looks: Must be reasonably attractive but I don't care if they are not a 10. A girls personality and sensuality is more attractive to me than looks.
3. Fitness: speaks for itself. I don't mean I am looking for an athlete, just someone who kind of takes care of themselves. Contradicting this I don't care if they are a smoker even though I am not. Just as long as they don't do it in a session and it does not feel like they have been doing so 5 minutes before. I really like physical flexibility too as I am a pretty flexible yoga practitioner.
4. (obviously) price. Can't have what you can't afford. Like everyone else I would rather get more for less - or rather more for the same amount. If a rate is good and I can go for 1.5 or 2hrs at the same price I would. Originally Posted by zme
- I forgot to add location to my list. In practice my drive time adds to the amount of time I need to spend on my session and my time is very limited. Nearer is strongly preferrable. There are quite a few providers that I am dying to see but the drive is too painful.
Clean, location, looks, gfe in that order.
TransAm's Avatar
GFE/service level, location, price, more or less in that order. For example, I used to be a guy that could handle a cbj, if other factors were there to compensate. Now, I really won't settle for anything other than bbbj.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 04-19-2013, 10:12 AM
Aside from all mentioned above. TCB skills. And independent providers. I cannot stand drivers, pimps and bookers. If a lady can't take it upon herself to handle these things herself I will not see them.
I'm happy if they brush their teeth and wipe their ass
boardman's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm happy if they brush their teeth and wipe their ass Originally Posted by AndyLattu
heartbeat... Originally Posted by boardman
Y'all some high maintenance ass fucks
junior samples's Avatar
Mr Galveston and I are on the same page
yardbird74's Avatar
Okay, I know I'll probably catch some shit for this and maybe it's just because I'm new - but attitude and personality go a long way with me. I've read a lot of reviews and I've been fairly lucky in finding really cool providers who can deliver a mean bbbj, but also can be really cool and chill with me afterwards. For me, that is all part of the experience too.
er48665's Avatar
Looks and service. Price doesn't matter as long as she can back it up.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I'm happy if they brush their teeth and wipe their ass Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Lmao!!!! That sure helps! Skinny and horny are my main things. Bad girls are always top of the list....