Trump to select Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead HHS

txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump to select Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead HHS

Kennedy, 70, may still face a steep slope to confirmation after his years of touting debunked claims that vaccines cause autism, written a book accusing former National Institutes of Health official Anthony Fauci of conspiring with tech mogul Bill Gates and drugmakers to sell Covid-19 vaccines and said regulatory officials are industry puppets who should be removed.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said Kennedy will be treated like all other nominees.

“I don’t have any preconceived notion about it,” Cornyn said.

When asked if vaccine positions might make confirmation difficult: “I’m sure it will come up.”

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said it’s up to the Senate to confirm or reject Kennedy but was skeptical that he was the right choice.

“Is RFK Jr. the best qualified person in the United States of America to lead us forward as we grapple with an enormous amount of health challenges in this country? The answer is clearly he is not,” Jeffries said.

In recent weeks, Kennedy has hit the media circuit to say he isn’t taking vaccines away from anyone.

“I’m going to make sure scientific safety studies and efficacy are out there, and people can make individual assessments about whether that product is going to be good for them,” he told MSNBC the day after Trump’s win.

He also claimed the Trump administration would recommend against fluoride in drinking water, which is added to prevent cavities. Kennedy has said it’s “almost certainly” causing a loss of IQ in children, as some studies have found.

More trolling from the President Elect.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Que macho!

He’s a fucking kook, but at least he ain’t no tranny or wooman.

Ought to make the MAGA antivax, science deniers happy.

Hope none of them get sick.

Pssst - don’t drink the water y’all, it’ll turn you queer or autistic.
I think he’s a great pick. He’ll do wonders managing the department. He’ll definitely save Medicare. I look forward to the good works he and the rest of Trump’s cabinet will perform. The people asked for this.
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2024, 06:51 PM
His brain is fried, listening to him talk. Probably the result of mercury poisoning, the brain worm or •••• use.
Budman's Avatar
You're welcome
Yssup Rider's Avatar
[/IMG]]You're welcome Originally Posted by Budman;1063640898[IMG
So you’re all in on all of these clowns?

You think they’re our best and brightest, just like Trumpler?

You think this Real Fucking Kook is gonna save the American health care system?

Please tell us why.
Budman's Avatar
I think anyone Trump chooses will be 1000% better than the last 4 years. You lefties fucked this country up and now Trump will fix it. Quit whining and enjoy the ride
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This is a brilliant choice. Who knows more about health than a nutty Enivronmental lawyer who can barely even talk because his brain is in such decline? I don't think people understand why Trump did this. To me, it is simple, whatever RFK Jr recommends in his new position, you just need to do the exact opposite and you'll be healthy. MAGA forever!
ICU 812's Avatar
I think anyone Trump chooses will be 1000% better than the last 4 years. You lefties fucked this country up and now Trump will fix it. Quit whining and enjoy the ride Originally Posted by Budman
I think that this sentiment, in one level of sophistication or another, is the operating perception of a great many Trump voters regardless of their station in life or their level of education.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump to select Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead HHS

Kennedy, 70, may still face a steep slope to confirmation after his years of touting debunked claims that vaccines cause autism, written a book accusing former National Institutes of Health official Anthony Fauci of conspiring with tech mogul Bill Gates and drugmakers to sell Covid-19 vaccines and said regulatory officials are industry puppets who should be removed... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Dang! I'm trying to find a factual error in that. But no luck. Wait! Is this a punctuation test, like a missing comma or something?
Budman's Avatar
I think that this sentiment, in one level of sophistication or another, is the operating perception of a great many Trump voters regardless of their station in life or their level of education. Originally Posted by ICU 812

The reverse side is no matter what Trump does or who he picks the left is going to bitch and moan and shit all over it. They have been doing that for 8 years. The lefties in this shit hole think they are intellectually superior and can convince others to change their mind. You ain't and you can't.

Enjoy the next 12 years. I know over have the country will.
  • Tiny
  • 11-15-2024, 09:39 AM
He figured the COVID virus could have been genetically engineered not to kill Jews and Chinese. He may not be the ideal person to put in charge of the NIH and CDC.
TravelingHere's Avatar
Reading these threads I came to the conclusion that haters will hate.
Reasoning is pointless. The target will be labeled a kook, hitler, trumpf, whatever else.

What is the point in reasoning? Unless a candidate is a career bureaucrat they aren't deemed qualified. Instead they get smeared. The faith of the left in "government institutions" is perhaps the defining difference from us on the right.
  • Tiny
  • 11-15-2024, 10:35 AM
Reading these threads I came to the conclusion that haters will hate.
Reasoning is pointless. The target will be labeled a kook, hitler, trumpf, whatever else.

What is the point in reasoning? Unless a candidate is a career bureaucrat they aren't deemed qualified. Instead they get smeared. The faith of the left in "government institutions" is perhaps the defining difference from us on the right. Originally Posted by TravelingHere
It's not just that. Kennedy is a poor candidate for HHS. And Gaetz is way over the top.

Democrats have screwed up too. Who would appoint someone with an academic background in social work to be chairman of his Council of Economic Advisors? Joe Biden, that's who. That may help explain why he'd push through the American Rescue Plan, against the warnings of prominent mainstream Democrat economists like Larry Summers and Jason Furman. That brought inflation to America months before it hit the rest of the world.