How ong does it take for the hobbymen here to warm up to new providers??

Hello everyone, I have been since Monday and I have had only 2 visitors Is this because I am a new provider or am I not what the hobby men like? Just a question and I would appreciate any constructive critisms you had for me...

Enjoy your day and I hope to get some very positive feed back here or you may send me a PM...THANKS!!
chipper's Avatar
marilynn, as one of our Ladies put it, "There is an audience for every show. You need to give it some time. We have new Ladies joining daily and the Holiday Season is the slowest time of the year for the "Hobby". It will pick up after the first of the year if anyone is still getting a bonus.

Hmm, usally its a factor of how fast you get your cloths off. :-) Body like yours I can warm up to PDQ

I assume you mean last Monday before Thanksgiving? Its the holiday season so lots of distractions so it might take a little longer to ramp up.

Once you have a couple of reviews posted, it will help. You might ask your 2 visitors to post a review for you if you feel they had a good time.

Are you on Preferred411? If not, consider it as well.

One comment. SMILE in your photos :-)

Also, start commenting on posts, especialy in the COED forum. Its a good way to get your name out there and helps us learn your personality based on what you say.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I think it's a bit slow right now all around, but what do I know?

I will say that when I first saw your pics, you don't look very happy to be there. One of the first things I notice when I look at a woman's pictures is if they're smiling or at least looking playful. Those that look unhappy or pissed off I tend to stay away from.

Sorry, just trying to offer honest, constructive criticism. Hope it helps.
Heck yes it is slow Sweetheart.

Speaking for myself, disposable income is headed for Christmas gifts to wife, daughters, and self. Self gifting to me doesn't include hobbying as that is a regular part of the year. Self gifting might be a nice pair of shoes, a cool belt, or somesuch stuff. But to ME. Selfish that way.

I agree with the smile comment. Naked and smiling is always an attention grabber. More of an invite.

Show that chest of yours. Looks as if you are ' naturally ' blessed and there are untold ISO's for bit titted ladies, and languages / jewelry associated therein. I prefer poses which display hanging boobs, swaying gently so one may appreciate their sheer volume.

Just MHO. Thank you for your consideration.

Iaintliein's Avatar
Keep in mind this is generally an older crowd. So the answer to your question, like so many others is. . . depends. ;-)

OK, enough of the weak humor, money is very tight, money is even tighter during the holidays, there are hundreds of choices in DFW. It's a tough market in a tough time.

Good luck and Merry Christmas!
Thanks guys I really appreciate your feedback.
Guest091314's Avatar
Dont worry love, it will pick up and with your body....just prepare for after holidays and put away the money you make!
I hope you are right
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It's dog eat dog out there right now, hon. Most of the ladies are struggling to get a minimum amount of business this year. Hang in there, it'll get easier. Best of Luck.

@Crashkopf....stop being a selfish a** and spread the dough around....LOL I kid I kid....Enjoy your new belt and bring it around some time, you may need a spanking! xoxo
@Crashkopf....stop being a selfish a** and spread the dough around. Originally Posted by M A X
LMAO that was a good one
LOL that was pretty funny!!!
Marilyn, hang in for awhile and keep posting. It gives the guys a feeling as to your personality(yes it matters with tight money and over 600 choices in DFW everything matters) and three of the funniest gals on this board have all ready chimed in and they are right with your body and looks, good things will happen. Just get a few reviews and the phone will ring.

BTW just read a review on you, you are on your way kiddo.
White Tiger's Avatar
It's definitely a slow time of the year, and in what is a pretty slow year anyway. funny thing I've noticed is that the opposite question can often be asked--how long does it take a new provider to burn out? We have many, especially the younger ladies, who start strong, become the flavor of the month, and then fade. Plan on building a group of regulars that you really click with--that will get you through times like this after you have invested some time in the market.
U.R.L.'s Avatar
l will come and see you, you look great. I agree with what was said about getting your name out there, i just joined and seeing your post caught my eye. Are you newbie friendly?