EENY Banned?

When searching through some posts, I came across a post by EENY in the providers section. Above their avatar it says banned.

I have read through most of the past few weeks posts and discussions and didn't read anything about this.

What happened?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pass me some of that please.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok, but we may need to make some more. I was not a eeny fan. But banned mmmmmm We will have a long wait for this.
There must be a s**t storm going on somewhere!
Mods, was there some hanky panky goin on with their accounts or some other shenanigans?

That is a number of regular posters suddenly gone.
sunfish's Avatar

Xtra Butter with that
is it true EENY is banned?????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
renting a popcorn maker now. Need a big one like the at a bar or movies. Some one wants lots of butter. Errrr ok going back to Wegman's. I better get some more salt when there.

monkeyking also after a look at some of the longer threads.... MMMMM Other than a review I need to do and to give out popcorn. It may be time to take that posting vacation I never took for more than a week. That I said I would back on ASPD. Ok I am a postprovider. This may not last long.
My addiction is posting, after all.

Are there others?


Are there others?

Originally Posted by taddat
Yup. There are. Easy enough to notice if you look. It would seem actions have been taken to get the board back on track.
Yup. There are. Easy enough to notice if you look. It would seem actions have been taken to get the board back on track. Originally Posted by quimps
Indeed. Has anyone else noticed that more and more new posters are coming out of the woodworks? Perhaps I am mistaken, but it sure seems that way to me.
jokacz's Avatar
Indeed. Has anyone else noticed that more and more new posters are coming out of the woodworks? Perhaps I am mistaken, but it sure seems that way to me. Originally Posted by China Doll

Does anyone check I.P.’s? New handles on old faces is a possibility.
brutusbluto's Avatar