Providers have real lives you know....

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Hi guys,

I would like to remind you that providers have real lives.

I've had the ROUGHEST 2 days of my life. I was honest about having a rough day with a hobbyist and asked if we could do the next night. I didn't tell him WHY I had a rough day because quite frankly, it is none of his business.

Speed forward...the second night, I had to cancell the last min due to down turn of my daughters health (the REASON why I has a TERRIBLE day the day before) and I had to cancel again. Last night I didn't HAVE TIME to explain why.

I didn't no show the guy. I canceled and yes it was short notice (about a hour and half before we were to meet) but it was out of my hands. Other wise I would have followed through.


SO before you go calling a provider "not real" or a "flake", stand back and take in consideration that she did show you respect by contacting you to cancel and that sometimes real life happens and it is NOT HER OBLIGATION to explain herself to you.

Just because I'm a provider doesn't make my life, my emergencies and my children less valuable than yours.


IF that makes me a bitch or a flake, then so be it.
Honestly to me it makes you kayleehotterchic. I'm sorry you are having to explain and justify your correct priorities. I also hope your daughter recovers quickly.
jdough1211's Avatar
Kudos to you for at least contacting the client and letting him know you had to cancel. To often, neither the providers or clients won't even bother with that. Downright fucking rude not to in my book.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Normally I don't react to drama but he posted a ISO last night. He didn't name me but he he said he needed to find a "real provider" who wasn't a "flake"

To me, a flake is a person who doesn't give a fuck about you and will no show you.

He knows I was honest with him the night before and he knows I contacted him last night (yes it was shot notice. But I DID contact him)

But this is a AWESOME chance to remind guys that we have families and families do come first with us too.

And sometimes we decline appointment for YOUR benefit when we know we aren't 100%.
Hearing the "I have a strong immune system" line, doesn't make it better. Do you REALLY want a half assed session with a well reviewed chick.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Yup. And I did contact him the night before letting him know that I had a rough day (again, I didn't tell him WHY. NONE of his business) and I would most likely not be great company. Speed forward to last night. My daughter was in bad shape and it was time to take some serious actions as a mom.

In all that chaos. I still had the presence of mind and the RESPECT to at least contact to him and cancel.

Damn if we do and damn if we don't.

On the high note. My daughter is doing better and that's all that matters to this "flakey" provider but serious mom.

Just because I'm a provider doesn't make my life, my emergencies and my children less valuable than yours.

CHILDREN BEFORE FUCKING. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
If you had children before fucking, your kids are more valuable than you think!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
If you had children before fucking, your kids are more valuable then you think! Originally Posted by cush

Bwahahahaha....that is funny.

Thanks for making me laugh. I needed it.

mes77's Avatar
  • mes77
  • 01-31-2014, 08:13 AM
If you had children before fucking, your kids are more valuable then you think! Originally Posted by cush
Mind = Blown
Hope your daughter is doing better.
You are as far from a flake"
As a Person can get. I found you to be a genuine and caring woman
Any parent understands your child
Comes first...always.
Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 01-31-2014, 08:17 AM
Family always comes first Kaylee. I can attest that when you had to cancel our meeting you called an hour before and left a message that you had to take care of your daughter. That's TCB the right way. You even offered a discount for another time as well. Always do the right thing. You may catch grief for it but you will always know what you did was the right thing at the right time. Glad to hear your daughter is better.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks Kmac and Dave. I appreciate the kind words.

My daughter is for the most part very healthy but she does have some problems from time to time. The health issues have been a problems all of her life.

As a mom it is heartbreaking and painful to see your child in pain. As parent, it's scary because taking time off to care for your child mean time away from working.

No work=no money.
No money=Stress.

This past two weeks have been rough and on a financial level, I'm in bad shape money wise as a result of it. So having a chance to have some fun and relieve some stress was something I was very much looking forward to.

I understand that he was pissed but to try to make it look like a provider is a bad person for canceling is really shitty in my book.

Life happens.

I hope this is reminder that providers have kids, money stress, and love our children just like you do.
pmdelites's Avatar
kaylee, glad that things are getting back to normal at your place!
sounds like you're a great mom!

a provider's family life is another one of those areas that i generally dont want to know about. esp if the provider were to start talking about it without any prompting or asking. while i get that her life and family are very important to her, to me it's just not very erotically stimulating.

there are times [after i've consulted w/ a provider several times and we have some sort of connection or personal acquaintance] where i may ask her "how are things in your world?" or "what about <something i remember or know she was into>?". those discussions are fine. we're both people - each has info to share and an ear to listen to their stuff [maybe even venting]. i dont get perturbed if i hear about all kinds of real life stuff. if it gets too much, then i'll change the subject.

again, kaylee, glad the kiddo and you are doing well!

Hi guys,
I would like to remind you that providers have real lives.
==>pmd: excellent! sorry that some folks are too wrapped in "ME!" that they cant see others as people.
compassion and understanding go a long way in realizing that we are all pretty much the same wrt human needs and priorities!

.... Last night I didn't HAVE TIME to explain why.
==>pmd: and you really shouldnt have to. (see below)

I didn't no show the guy. I canceled and yes it was short notice.

==>pmd: i support you 100% on that.
i'm a grandpa and my family comes first. then my business. then my delites.

SO before you go calling a provider "not real" or a "flake", stand back and take in consideration that she did show you respect by contacting you to cancel and that sometimes real life happens and it is NOT HER OBLIGATION to explain herself to you.
==>pmd: i learned this concept long ago and have followed it as best i can.

(note, "you" = generic you, not you kaylee)
when you have to tell someone your personal decision, just state the decision.
dont explain why or how you came up with the decision.
if you do so, that gives some people a chance to make you second think your decision or make you feel bad cos you made that decision.

IF that makes me a bitch or a flake, then so be it. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
i heard that flakes are good for the digestive system!
oh, that's fiber. same difference :^)

... In all that chaos. I still had the presence of mind and the RESPECT to at least contact to him and cancel.

[/b][b]Damn if we do and damn if we don't.

On the high note. My daughter is doing better and that's all that matters to this "flakey" provider but serious mom. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
see pfmtony's, angie's, and my posts in this thread wrt your bolded thought.

as john maynard keynes said, "in the end, we are all dead."
he also drank champagne from his mistress' high heel shoes, so it's been said.

i just want to go where are the fun and sexy people go in the afterlife!
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos will make it all better.
pmdelites's Avatar
If you had children before fucking, your kids are more valuable than you think! Originally Posted by cush
you have heard of immaculate conception, right!!!

mary: "joseph, i'm pregnant."
joseph: "holy mother of god, mary!!"
mary: "you got that right!"
joseph: "how did that happen???"
mary: "well, god came to see me."
joseph: "jesus fucking christ mary, you slept with him??"
mary: "Jesus? i like that name!"
[as best i can remember from Robin Williams' sketch back in 2002]