How safe is Beale street?

MyKindaParty's Avatar
I am planning a me only trip there the weekend after Memorial day. I haven't partied there in twenty years. Are there any concerns about wandering the street alone? As anywhere I assume stay away from areas where you are alone.
memdal's Avatar
The street is safe and well patrolled. Just make sure to park in a real lot and to not wander south of the FedExForum. If you stay where everyone is and park with the crowd, like in any tourist area you will be okay. Have fun.
  • Gulf2
  • 05-27-2011, 03:07 PM
Mem said it. No worries. Beale grows a bit more touristy and a little less authentic with each passing year. Much like Broadway in Nashville. You'll have a great time. Just expect panhandlers.
MyKindaParty's Avatar
Thanks for the replies. I went for Bon Jovi but didn't have time to hang around but it gave me the urge. I will be staying in a hotel that is walking distance from Beale. I have heard blues isn't played much anymore.
Abe Normal's Avatar
I've been on Beale many times, both day and night, and alone or with friends. The only time anyone bothered me was this kid, about 12-13 who bummed a dollar from me, but he did say "Thank You" LOL

Every time I was there several officers were patroling, especially at night. Put your wallet in your front pocket, stick with the crowd, and keep your wits about should be alright.

Hell, I was mugged in broad daylight on Broadway in Nashville while other people just brushed past me as if it were a common thing. You never know where someone may try to take advantage.

If lightning doesn't kill you, a jealous wife will !
  • Gulf2
  • 05-27-2011, 07:18 PM
...I was mugged in broad daylight on Broadway in Nashville while other people just brushed past me as if it were a common thing.... Originally Posted by Abe Normal
Was that you? I'm so sorry, I just needed some money for BBQ.