Biden is a rich man.

We have no idea exactly how rich the old boy is as his share of Hunters take has not yet surfaced. Trump took no pay for his time spent as President why isn't Biden doing the same? A life time of taking a tax payer pay check is difficult habit to break I suppose.
winn dixie's Avatar
Who'd a thunck hunter would be the smarter of the two

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Maybe if Biden ripped off the government for as much money as Trump did in bogus tax refunds, perhaps he wouldn't take a salary either.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe if Biden ripped off the government for as much money as Trump did in bogus tax refunds, perhaps he wouldn't take a salary either. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well maybe if Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and all the rest of the worhless career politicians would fix the "tax laws" maybe every wealthy person with a battery of attorneys and tax experts wouldn't take advantage. Or I guess that is to much to expect of Biden in 47 years
Chung Tran's Avatar
We have no idea exactly how rich the old boy is as his share of Hunters take has not yet surfaced. Trump took no pay for his time spent as President why isn't Biden doing the same? A life time of taking a tax payer pay check is difficult habit to break I suppose. Originally Posted by bill sins
Trump ''gave up'' his $400,000 salary, but he spent way more than any previous President, for personal perks. Why can't you post without deliberate demogogeury? Or maybe you are truly fooled by Trump's bullshit gesture?

I'm not buying the Hunter shit for now. Those ''the Big Guy'' references look faker than a $3 bill.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not buying the Hunter shit for now. Those ''the Big Guy'' references look faker than a $3 bill. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Then why didn't the Big Guy deny it was a reference to him when trumpy asked him about it point-blank during the debates?

Let's go to the transcript:

"Joe... they even have a statement that we have to give 10% to the big man. You’re the big man, I think. I don’t know, maybe you’re not, but you’re the big man, I think. Your son said we have to give 10% to the big men. Joe, what’s that all about?"
Trump ''gave up'' his $400,000 salary, but he spent way more than any previous President, for personal perks. Why can't you post without deliberate demogogeury? Or maybe you are truly fooled by Trump's bullshit gesture?

I'm not buying the Hunter shit for now. Those ''the Big Guy'' references look faker than a $3 bill. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Trump certainly has his flaws but he did what was right for America. Biden's continuing bull shit about racism is just that bull shit. The fool can't speak a complete sentence without mentioning racist at least once. Wait until the full Biden term passes and we will see if you are better with off with Biden. "Demogoeury"?????
I assume you meant demagoguery.....
Maybe if Biden ripped off the government for as much money as Trump did in bogus tax refunds, perhaps he wouldn't take a salary either. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Biden has. He's been doing it for decades. The only difference is he's been ripping of Tax Payers. That's how criminals in Government make millions.
Trump ''gave up'' his $400,000 salary, but he spent way more than any previous President, for personal perks. Why can't you post without deliberate demogogeury? Or maybe you are truly fooled by Trump's bullshit gesture?

I'm not buying the Hunter shit for now. Those ''the Big Guy'' references look faker than a $3 bill. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Have you been keeping the Books for him? you don't know what that guy spent. Trump entered the white House as a Billionaire. If Biden did it's because of Politics and there was a criminal connection to it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Have you been keeping the Books for him? you don't know what that guy spent. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Nope, but his expenditures from the public tit are a matter of record. And they are lofty indeed. Nice try, though.

Then why didn't the Big Guy deny it was a reference to him when trumpy asked him about it point-blank during the debates?

Let's go to the transcript:

"Joe... they even have a statement that we have to give 10% to the big man. You’re the big man, I think. I don’t know, maybe you’re not, but you’re the big man, I think. Your son said we have to give 10% to the big men. Joe, what’s that all about?" Originally Posted by lustylad
Why would Biden dignify it with a response? It's a when did you stop beating your wife? question.

We now know Trump had Covid when he bellowed those words. That night was the true beginning of his downfall.
lustylad's Avatar
Why would Biden dignify it with a response? It's a when did you stop beating your wife? question.

We now know Trump had Covid when he bellowed those words. That night was the true beginning of his downfall. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You're not making sense. If those emails on Hunter's laptop were "faker than a $3 bill", why wouldn't the Bidens rush to say so? Anyone who cares about his reputation would be irate and eager to clear his name.

And who cares whether it was trump or the media asking the question? Biden wouldn't answer it. You let him off the hook easily due to your TDS.

Did you see the interviews with Tony Bobulinski? Very credible guy, unlike Hunter Biden who expects us to believe he doesn't remember dropping off his laptop for repair. Sorta like he doesn't remember knocking up that Arkansas stripper Lunden Roberts. A DNA test proved he was the daddy. And a forensic exam of the laptop proves he is also the daddy of that device.

Time to come clean, chungy. There's no evidence those emails you dismiss as fake are not genuine.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You're not making sense. If those emails on Hunter's laptop were "faker than a $3 bill", why wouldn't the Bidens rush to say so? Anyone who cares about his reputation would be irate and eager to clear his name.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Nope. Your attitude is the same as the Cop who says ''why can't I search your car if you have nothing to hide''?

People who want to believe Joe is guilty, will believe it, period. Rebuttal or not. The smart guy doesn't give it credulity with an answer that is undeserved.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump ''gave up'' his $400,000 salary, but he spent way more than any previous President, for personal perks. Why can't you post without deliberate demogogeury? Or maybe you are truly fooled by Trump's bullshit gesture?

I'm not buying the Hunter shit for now. Those ''the Big Guy'' references look faker than a $3 bill. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

It was confirmed to the FBI and a Congressional Committee by a 3rd party eyewitness in the name of Tony Bobulinski but you wouldn't know that from the MSM because they will not report it.

Hunter Biden Business Partner Confirms Email Showing Joe Was Offered 10 Percent Stake in Chinese Business Deal

The recipient of an email that purportedly detailed a business arrangement between a Chinese company and the Biden family confirmed on Thursday that the email is “genuine” and said the family “aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions” from foreign entities.

Tony Bobulinski, who is listed as a recipient of the email first published by the New York Post, offered further detail in a statement to Fox News on the correspondence, which references a proposed equity split: “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

“The reference to ‘the Big Guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017, email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden,” said Bobulinski, who says he was brought on as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings by Hunter Biden and James Gilliar, the sender of the email.

Sinohawk “was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” he said.
Bobulinski said he does not believe Joe Biden’s previous claim that the Democrat and the younger Biden did not discuss Hunter’s business.
Hunter Biden “frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals,” he said.
“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line,” Bobulinski said.

Now we learn that Biden has secretly been playing footsie with China.

The statement Wednesday night asserting that the former vice president was a willing and eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady Chinese Communist firm is a singular event in a presidential race already overflowing with drama and intrigue.

The dynamite assertion, believable because it aligns with earlier information we know to be true, came in a statement by Tony Bobulinski, who describes himself as a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe’s brother Jim in the China scheme. Bobulinski unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise language and detail.

He confirms that he was one of the recipients of the May 13, 2017, email published by The Post eight days ago. That email, from another partner in the group, laid out cash and equity positions and mysteriously included a 10 percent set-aside for “the big guy.”

Sources have said the “big guy” was Joe Biden. In a matter-of-fact manner, Bobulinski states that the “email is genuine” and that the former vice president and the man leading in the 2020 race is indeed “the big guy.”

Now, here is the other side of the story.

Are Bobulinski’s claims credible?

There’s reason to be skeptical about Bobulinski’s allegations, which credible news organizations have not corroborated. The Associated Press, for example, reported that it could not independently verify Bobulinki’s claims. PolitiFact has not been able to, either.

The Wall Street Journal reviewed his documents and found no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden — or that he was active in his family’s foreign business endeavors, as Bobulinski claimed.
Bobulinski’s overarching claim is that Joe Biden was involved in, and may have profited from, his son and brother’s business dealings in China. He called Joe Biden’s claim that he never played a role in Hunter Biden’s foreign business endeavors "a blatant lie."

But the Journal reported that the text messages and emails Bobulinski shared from 2017 "don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture."
The venture in China "never received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals, according to people familiar with the matter," the outlet reported. "Corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden."

The Journal also quoted Gilliar, the British national involved in SinoHawk, as saying he was "unaware of any involvement at any time of the former vice president." Gilliar added that "the activity in question never delivered any project revenue."

But the fact ( if it is a fact ) that a deal fell through doesn't elliviate the possibility that they tried for such a deal.
The FBI must have ( I would hope ) brought Gilliar and Walker in for questioning and put them under oath. We have not heard anything from the FBI. That could be because the case went no where, or the FBI is still putting the case together. We know for a fact that the FBI is investigating Hunter because Hunter told us so.
If Bobulinski is lying and can't prove what he said, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I assume he was put under oath by the FBI and if he had lied, he would have been indicted by now but who the hell knows with this corrupt FBI.

We know for a fact that Hunter was making deals with China. We know for a fact that Joe flew Hunter on Air Force 2 with him ton China but Joe says he has no idea what Hunter was doing.
It's in the FBI's court and if the Republicans retake the House in 2022 and this hasn't been resolved, there will be a Congressional inquiry into all this.
And that's where we stand. Make up your own mind with the limited facts we have.