"Woke": W#hat Is It?

ICU 812's Avatar
There is a lot of drams on this forum from both sides . . .and that is what this forum is for, so OK.

But lately, the politically correct rhetoric of the liberal left has morphed into something now referred to as "Woke" or "Wokeness".

I am clue-less: What is Woke as a political movement or philosophy?

How is this different from being progressive or liberal?

I am simply asking for clarification.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

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  1. past of wake1.
    adjectiveinformal•USadjective: woke; comparative adjective: woker; superlative adjective: wokest
  2. alert to injustice in society, especially racism.
  3. "we need to stay angry, and stay woke"
GaGambler's Avatar
There is a lot of drams on this forum from both sides . . .and that is what this forum is for, so OK.

But lately, the politically correct rhetoric of the liberal left has morphed into something now referred to as "Woke" or "Wokeness".

I am clue-less: What is Woke as a political movement or philosophy?

How is this different from being progressive or liberal?

I am simply asking for clarification. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Here is my definition of "Wokeness"

Wokeness is when liberalism mixes a vial of LSD 25 and an even bigger vial of steroids, does the whole thing in one shot and then NEVER comes down from the weird high it produces. lol

When even the likes of Bill Maher blames Wokeness for the upcoming losses for the Dims in 2022, you know they've gone too far.

Speaking of liberals and acid, I remember back as a teen in the 70's living in the SF Bay Area tripping balls and thinking of the most ridiculous shit imaginable, things like envisioning the country with "No Pigs" and if White people became the second class citizens, but of course in my case the drugs wore off, I grew up and started seeing life from a completely different perspective as I grew up. I wish I could say the same about today's "woke" crowd, but I am NOT optimistic
winn dixie's Avatar
being woke and zombies are the same thing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
woke is stupidity squared.
HedonistForever's Avatar

When even the likes of Bill Maher blames Wokeness for the upcoming losses for the Dims in 2022, you know they've gone too far.
Originally Posted by GaGambler

If you have watched Bill Mahr for the last couple of weeks, he is on a "wokeness" tear. He's pissed. He had James Carville, Democrat guru on last time and when Mahr started in on the left "wokesters", Carville was quick to say "yeah but that's only about 15% of the party" but reluctant to apply that same number to the Q people on the right. Both sides have plenty of "off the deep end" people, we just give them different titles.

Problem is, that 15% of the Democrats are controlling Joe Biden like 15% of the Q's are for Trump. Of course those numbers aren't meant to be precise and accurate only to reflect what is going on in both parties which is that nuts are running the show on both sides of the aisle which is why we as a country don't stand a chance against China.
Problem is, that 15% of the Democrats are controlling Joe Biden like 15% of the Q's are for Trump. Of course those numbers aren't meant to be precise and accurate only to reflect what is going on in both parties which is that nuts are running the show on both sides of the aisle which is why we as a country don't stand a chance against China. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The loudest voices in the room aren't always the most numerous.
When I hear Woke, what I picture is a bunch of spoiled brats who want something for nothing.
ICU 812's Avatar
A lot of coderivative humor so far . . .Thanks for that.

Now please, I'd really like to hear an explanation from the liberal side. A serious explanation without a lot of rhetoric please.
Problem is, that 15% of the Democrats are controlling Joe Biden like 15% of the Q's are for Trump. Of course those numbers aren't meant to be precise and accurate only to reflect what is going on in both parties which is that nuts are running the show on both sides of the aisle which is why we as a country don't stand a chance against China. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Although I see the point you're making I gotta ask: "Where are all these QAnon people?" As go through a bunch of conservative sites I see almost no mention of Q. Even in the Disqus comments. Nobody talking about Q or identifying themselves as Q followers. The liberal sites Q is the current boogie man. Sure, you can show pics of Jan6 riots but before and after that, it's scarce.
rexdutchman's Avatar
What is Woke as a political movement or philosophy?

Its whatever pushes the agenda of the narrative of the day ALL encompassing but manly against free speech and thinking.......