iimpeach trump

lickidyclit's Avatar
I for one am appauled by Trumps blatent, trigger happy action against Syrria without congressional approval,the guy is a tyrant who should be relieved of his authority to pull the trigger again, he has us going in the shitter just like Hitler did to Germany in the 30's
yes cause "diplomacy " under obummer stopped those people from being gassed a few days ago
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
go to bestgore and look up gas attack. men, women, children, and babies litter the streets.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
just like Hitler did to Germany Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Ruin Passover and cancel the Seder? Or someone got soggy matzo balls whew

B.O.B should have done that years, but he was/is a big pussy.
The POTUS did what needed to be done and sent a big FUCK YOU to Russia and China at the same time.
borderx's Avatar
AGREE Not... Trump has the authority to do what he did and most agree with him !! He's not finished yet if that crap continues !
Carlos Danger's Avatar
the guy is a tyrant Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Would you prefer the jews leave right away, for their own good of course? Should folks brush on german, with the hitleresque mood taking place. Warm up the oven time to toast the bagels whew

I thought those were called Vagels...
Damn spellcheck?
The Mogan David oye!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Syria was back to flying airstrike sorties from Shayrat airbase within 24 hours.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Trumps blatent, trigger happy action Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Mabe he's been ripped off. There's a hole in his vagel. Whew