nude photos

Forgive my ignorance but I was wondering are nude photos allowed in threads in any form here? I understand that some cartoons will show a small amount of nudity ot the illusion of nudity, I am asking about actual pictures dipicting the sexual part of a man or womans body. Thanks
chipper's Avatar
No Children and no animals. consenting adults OK!

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This site is purely for entertainment purposes. All contents within, including discussions and reviews, are fictional and for your amusement only. The site does not host nude photos, however some posts MAY include links which point to adult subject matter, nudity, etc. We insist that you are at least 18 years of age to view this site due to the possibility of encountering explicit material or linked photos including nudity. This site does NOT endorse in any way the providers listed here, including paid advertisers (banners) or advertisers using the free posting forums. Any profits from this site are applied to server costs, bandwidth, disk space, upgrades, and customizations. Moderating staff receives no compensation, and participate on a strictly volunteer basis. Membership is anonymous, and the forums are not monitored at all times. Please report any posts of an inappropriate nature using the "report to moderator" feature.

did i just read that wrong?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Hon...if the photo is used to teach or inform the public... ;-P

Post it.

Just no children....animals...or other craziness.

Thanks for being extra careful...

~Kelly TNT
hotspringsfairy, if you are looking somewhere to put ur nude photos. you can always put them in my inbox. i would love to see them...
aawwweee ty body
Guest022210's Avatar
Dear Fairy,In the interest of being helpful you can forward any nude pictures to me and I will let you know if they would appropriate.
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Fairy when the super mod gives ok who is going to stop you
you know me bimbo i dont want to give anyone any reason to get mad at me not after the last crude i went through about my punctuation! lol i was getting so mad i almost made a post of nothing but punctuation marks lol
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Yes I know, I had hoped that kind of bullshit would stay at aspd and die with it---and your post on aspd under happy new year along with baldnbashful's I thought would get the message across, even Big C stopped it sometimes----but I guess we still make some people long for their grave
lol you know it drama follows groups of ppl everywhere i just like to kick the problem before it becomes one
Lonesome's Avatar
lol you know it drama follows groups of ppl everywhere i just like to kick the problem before it becomes one Originally Posted by hotspringsfairy
Have you considered posting your nude photos in Provider Showcase?
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-13-2010, 04:45 PM
Fairy when the super mod gives ok who is going to stop you Originally Posted by Bimboknocker
I know the super mod that gave the "ok" here was chipper, but I think it's appropriate for another super mod to back him up and say that it should be against the rules for people with bodies like yours to NOT post nekkid pics for us to drool over
There's your answer fairy--now whip 'em out!
beetle's Avatar
There's your answer fairy--now whip 'em out! Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Are you next Lily?????????????