For providers, what is your favorite thing to do before, during, and after a session?

It will help us all to better understand.....
Shower, fuck, shower.
Shower, fuck, shower. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
nice of you not to include vomiting
Shower, fuck, shower. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ

Actually, add shave to the first shower. The most I can shave is about every 36 hours, 24 hours is a little too much, so often-times that leaves me shaving last minute instead of the night before.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Shower, fuck, shower. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ

Common BJ. You belong at the Improv.
Dallas Diva's Avatar
Thanks BJ and Monk.....LMAO
Shower, fuck, shower. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
nice of you not to include vomiting Originally Posted by monkmonk
Oh WOW frikkin' hilarious!! And yes, that about sums it up! LMAO!!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Let's get real.

Before? Think about the money/roses/diamonds, whatever they call it.

During? Think about the picture on the 100, Benjamin Franklin, because even old Ben is better looking than most of her clients.

After? Count the money.

Anything else is just acting.

Lazarus needs a hug
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Let's get real.

Before? Think about the money/roses/diamonds, whatever they call it.

During? Think about the picture on the 100, Benjamin Franklin, because even old Ben is better looking than most of her clients.

After? Count the money.

Anything else is just acting.

Seriously. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Laz, you are having the same day I am. Shit. I am PWA...Posting while angry.
Some fucker stole my car today at Target.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Not angry at all.


If 50 year old guys with big bellies and in some cases bad teeth didn't have fat wallets, we wouldn't be having sex with 18 year old hotties.

If money is not the most important thing that a provider thinks about then why did so many of them go after Texrich when he made an off the cuff remark about a new provider raising her rates? You would have thought he dropped his pants and took a shit in LovingKayla's incall AND forgot to flush the way some went after him.

Money plain and simple. Without it, you are not getting laid by that new hottie no matter what your handle happens to be.

Let me go further.

When the woman finds out her friend just stole her half of the rent and moved out, is she not thinking about MONEY and how to get it before, during and after the session?

When a MILF provider knows her kid start school in a week and she needs to get him school supplies, clothes, shots and all sorts of other costly items, do you really mean to tell me that she is NOT thinking about money before, during and after the session?

When a provider gets that speeding ticket and they also impound her car because it has expired insurance and expired plates, do you really mean to tell me she is not thinking about money before, during and after the session?

Should I continue?

Call it what you like, paint it in whatever terms you choose.

But COLD HARD cash is what this hobby is all about.

As men we figure out ways to make more to hobby more.

As women, you are looking for the best ad text to attract more clients and you get new photos to attract even more. All for the money.

No anger here. Just plain and honest truth no matter how blunt it sounds.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-26-2010, 08:11 PM
you have a point..............the 50 and bellie thing
DallasRain's Avatar
before---bubble bath & masterbation{lol}

during---riding that Highway to Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

after---shopping & eating
Okay, I am responding to Lazarus here, of course, I am NOT an "18 year old hottie".

I don't have any roommates stealing or skipping out on rent nor do I have any children starting school so those things don't affect me. I (mostly) drive within the speed limit and keep my insurance (along with my other bills) current so I would venture to say that it is NOT "all about the Benjamins" to me.

I truly enjoy what I do and enjoy seeing ALL types of clients. You may feel free to believe that or not but it is the truth! Maybe that comes from being an old hag but it is what it is.

When you (NOT just Lazarus, but ANYONE) are at your job and get yelled at by your boss or have a crappy day, are you thankful that you are going to get a paycheck? Do you look forward to payday? We ALL have occupations, some of us like them and some don't. I am fortunate to enjoy mine.

Now, on topic: Before-I think about what I will be talking about and doing for the hour we are together depending on the type of session.

During-depends on the client, Therapeutic or fun...therapeutic, obviously I am focusing on, I focus on them but differently OR let them focus on me! It's all good!

After-Again it depends, if it was therapeutic, did I help them out? If fun, I usually wish I didn't have a therapeutic scheduled afterward! I usually need a nap or more playtime! LOL!
geezerdude2's Avatar
...After-Again it depends, if it was therapeutic, did I help them out? If fun, I usually wish I didn't have a therapeutic scheduled afterward! I usually need a nap or more playtime! LOL! Originally Posted by vnurse
Nap. Definitely nap...wait...yeah, nap!