Sans Ejaculation

... for 1 week so far, with the intention of making an upcoming encounter more pleasurable.(It will be 2 weeks by the time of said encounter)

But does it really work? Or is it a case by case basis? 1 outcome could be that i blow a hole out through said provider the moment of penetration and then the tank will be just too depleted.
Hoping, of course, for multiple fireworks within the allotted timeframe...but then again women are typically the ones with that multi-climactic ability.
The science is this:

It takes 2-3 days of proper hydration and abstaining to reach your maximum payload of 2 or 3 teaspoons of semen. That's the max. After that the body absorbs the excess back into the body.

You may enjoy it more after not releasing for a week but that's all mental.
Good info. Duly noted sir.
playerplano's Avatar
Well I can tell you it's a bad idea to be whacking off leading into an encounter. Don't use it all up before you get to the appointment! I would think a couple of weeks abstinence would increase your performance.
I've had ladyfriends remark that it's a much thicker consistency after taking some time off....
Oops !

Edit.... A link was posted somehow
I've had ladyfriends remark that it's a much thicker consistency after taking some time off.... Originally Posted by sticknrudder1
Another part of the science. Thick and sticky is what its suppose to be. Sticky to the vagina walls better to increase chances of impregnation.

Time, diet, and hydration all affect what comes out.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Too thick? Add granberry to your diet. Too thin: Add oatmeal to your diet. None- have fun anyway. BUT please the lady or no invite back
darkchoc6's Avatar
In my younger days, I used to try & test this theory. I found that for me there was no definite outcum either way. Abstaining sometimes brought me to a quick explosion while other times I could last quite a while. Shooting my usual (at least used to be usual) 1+ loads per day on my own had varying results also.

I found that the difference depended on several things. How relaxed was I with the woman, how comfortable was I with her, how attractive/sexy was she, what activities did I do that day & so on. The how attractive/sexy part made a huge difference for me, combined with the others factors. Hot, sports hot & blow your load before you pants are off hot are totally different things.

Good luck
Chaataca's Avatar
I would have perma-wood. Which is both a good thing and a complete and utter pain in the ass... especially in public.