Menu options posted in Men's Lounge

googol^googol's Avatar
I am considering creating a thread in the Men's Lounge with information about providers' menus. What do y'all think about that idea? Love it? Hate it? Suggestions for best execution or other options?
I'm all for it, let me know if you need to bounce any ideas around.
sue_nami's Avatar
I think the best person to say what is on her menu is the gal. in men's lounge women have zero feedback on what is said. what if some guy says he got things from a provider that didn't actually happen, this happens often and could create really bad feelings when the girl says no I don't do that service after he saw posted in mens lounge that she does. YMMV is not taken into account if this happens.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-01-2014, 07:07 AM
I think the best person to say what is on her menu is the gal. in men's lounge women have zero feedback on what is said. what if some guy says he got things from a provider that didn't actually happen, this happens often and could create really bad feelings when the girl says no I don't do that service after he saw posted in mens lounge that she does. YMMV is not taken into account if this happens. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Part of advertising yo ass is to say what you will and will not do...put it in the ads.


Find one designated Monger per Hoogar and she tells him what she will do, maybe through in a "fat guy" disclaimer or something if she has caveats. Then said Monger can be her "voice" in the Mens Lounge.

As if most of you don't already have shill accounts or WK's that feed you everything there...I personal think its moot.
YMMV is the lamest term ever, are you a hooker or not? Ladies don't usually discuss all their menu via first contact, and reviews vary, due to guys varied preferences. I'm sure that his intelligence would come directly from the horse's mouth, or what they had previously listed, lol, after all he's talking about reliable information. Just the same as newbie friendly provider list. Personally gg, your idea would be better in coed, due to a lot of lurkers w/o premium access.
fun2come's Avatar
It would help if it was listed somewhere ... preferably Showcase and the Ad (especially if there no showcase).

Wouldn't that cut down on a lot of inquiries like "Do you Offer xyz"?
... and for us guys, we would get a lot less: "How dare you ask me these questions".

And if we don't get it presented, we might as well create it.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-01-2014, 09:45 AM
It would help if it was listed somewhere ... preferably Showcase and the Ad (especially if there no showcase).

Wouldn't that cut down on a lot of inquiries like "Do you Offer xyz"?
... and for us guys, we would get a lot less: "How dare you ask me these questions".

And if we don't get it presented, we might as well create it. Originally Posted by fun2come
90% of the time if a girl won't take the time to out her general rates in a profile or ad, I simply move want to make a sake? Tell the customer what the product is and what it costs.
googol^googol's Avatar
Personally gg, your idea would be better in coed, due to a lot of lurkers w/o premium access. Originally Posted by rockerrick
What I picture is a thread with one post per provider, the text containing only a list of services. Pretty much exactly like the lists on P411 that recently had to be removed. Is that something that could be policed by the mods to delete any post that didn't fit the template? In other words, are the mods willing to take on the extra work to do that?

I think the best person to say what is on her menu is the gal. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Would this work if only the provider was allowed to post their information? It seems like the resource would reach a critical mass of usefulness much more quickly by using the time and efforts of all the interested dudes. I do believe this would be beneficial to the provider, just as the P411 menus were useful for everyone involved. And, on P411 it was the gal who chose what to include and even whether or not to post a menu at all, which kinda argues for the 'provider only' model.

Thanks, everyone, for your input.
Still Looking's Avatar
Sounds great...let's include these:

Bare Back.....
Up Chargers For.....
No Hair Pulling Hair Is Fake.....

YMMV is the lamest term ever, are you a hooker or not? Ladies don't usually discuss all their menu via first contact, and reviews vary, due to guys varied preferences. I'm sure that his intelligence would come directly from the horse's mouth, or what they had previously listed, lol, after all he's talking about reliable information. Just the same as newbie friendly provider list. Personally gg, your idea would be better in coed, due to a lot of lurkers w/o premium access. Originally Posted by rockerrick
I kindly disagree with your point regarding the Newbie Friendly List, if you are referring to the one I put together and maintain. I have personally verified with each Lady on the list that they are indeed Newbie Friendly or employee alternate screening methods. More importaintly, these are Ladies who want to be included and "advertised" in the list as such. To put it bluntly, the Ladies are included in the conversation or list making. I have received many, many PM's from fellas who "KNOW" this Lady or that Lady is Newbie Friendly. I'm not interested in, or give credence to information I can not personally verify. Not only that, but it is certainly not my place to publicize an aspect of a Lady's business she may or may or may not want out there. When I contact the Lady in question and ask her if she would like to be included on the list, I frequently receive not just a "No" but a "Hell No!". They are so grateful I contacted them to verify vs just including them out of hand. I respect the Provider and the Hobbiest's needs. Everyone on that list has either contacted me, or I've contacted them personally and verified that they are indeed Newbie Friendly.

The problem with list making of services available for public consumption, especially on a board such as this, is they are often made without the imput of the Provider. Men and women frequently embellish, especially in a Locker Room setting. Often, unintentionally, but it happens. Unless you include the Provider in these discussions, or lists, the information will still be inaccurate.

For myself, this comes down yet again to a Ladys TCB, and Hobbiest's for that matter. Yes, having a conversation about what you will and won't do can suck the spontaneity right out of a booking, if you let it. I would much rather have a clear expectation of what the booking will encompass, rather than disappoint someone. So, I ensure everything is clear and concise upfront. I encourage questions and requests so I might meet the needs of the person who selected to spend his/her time with me. After all, there are so many options to choose from.
That's a long winded disagreement to me saying do it like the newbie friendly list and let the ladies give their menu.

I'm sure that his intelligence would come directly from the horse's mouth, or what they had previously listed, lol, after all he's talking about reliable information. Just the same as newbie friendly provider list. Personally gg, your idea would be better in coed, due to a lot of lurkers w/o premium access.

And don't forget who started and posted the newbie friendly list long before you decided to copy the idea during my ban.
That's a long winded disagreement to me saying do it like the newbie friendly list and let the ladies give their menu.

I'm sure that his intelligence would come directly from the horse's mouth, or what they had previously listed, lol, after all he's talking about reliable information. Just the same as newbie friendly provider list.

And don't forget who started and posted the newbie friendly list long before you decided to copy the idea during my ban. Originally Posted by rockerrick

Mmmm... No. My point is intelligence or information is more accurate when gleamed from all sources and you include both parties in the information gathering and exchange. Not summarily dismissing 50% of the available information by posting information only in the Men's Locker Room.

[/QUOTE]And don't forget who started and posted the newbie friendly list long before you decided to copy the idea during my ban[/QUOTE]

Now wait a minute... I saw a need. I had fellas contact me who were new, and I had no accurate information to give them as to where they might get their feet wet in the hobby. I found a list on the board and asked the board if they wanted this list updated.

I recieved positive feedback and encouragement, to include one of your many BANNED Handles:

I wanted to be of service, not "copy" or take something away from you. I would never DO that. From the post above, one could interpret that I received your blessing so to speak. I can't tell you how many "Thank You!" I've received from the Hobbiest and the Ladies. It really improved their business's. If I've done something wrong or stepped on someone else's toes, then I'm sure the MODS or the board would have disciplined my long ago. I honestly just want and wanted. to be of service to the members of our little community.

If the Board To include the Ladies, would like you to update and maintain the list again, it's just fine with me.
You have a reading comprehension problem. The intelligence should come from the lady (or maybe Whorses mouth) and should be in coed!

And yes I did support you taking it on and doing very well with it. It's all about the info for the newbies.
Sounds great...let's include these:

Bare Back.....
Up Chargers For.....
No Hair Pulling Hair Is Fake.....

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Let's not forget this one: No Review Policy .....
Mr Peabody's Avatar
If this menu list does not include whether they are willing to wear a panda suit then it is worthless!