The Super Bowl Prostitute Myth

erudite's Avatar
The alarm bells reached peak decibel in November, when Dallas Police Sergeant Louis Felini told the The Dallas Morning News that between 50,000 and 100,000 prostitutes could descend on the metroplex for the Super Bowl. The call to outrage had sounded.

His estimate was astonishing. At the higher figure, it meant that every man, woman and child holding a ticket would have their own personal hooker, from the vice presidential wing of FedEx to Little Timmy from Green Bay.
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Love it.
pmdelites's Avatar
yeah, so where are they????
i dont see any around my part of town.
ooooh, maybe cos i'm in east dallas. :^)

Pimps will traffic thousands of under-age prostitutes to Texas for Sunday's Super Bowl, hoping to do business with men arriving for the big game with money to burn, child rights advocates said.
TexTongue's Avatar
LOL...I heard that and thought it was a joke. Ridiculous.
So will there be a traction in the DMN? Evidently majorly overblown.

Carrie: Love that you posted. I take it as a rant against DMN. I may PM you in another venue to make sure.
I meant to say "re" traction
News media like to exploit the public with sensational tidbits of information that may OR may not be true. I only watch the weather forecast on the news and that may not even be accurate either.
It seems we would almost have enough ladies here to service all the visitors without reinforcements. What do you think??
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-01-2011, 12:12 PM
OMG, they really over exaggerated that number didn't they.....
Elephant's Avatar
Good Read
dodger's Avatar
Last night this story was on the news, WFAA. After citing the tens of thousands and trafficking minors, etc, for SuperBowl and Olympics, etc, the report went on to debunk this as urban myth. Part of the story pointed out that in cities hosting the last two Super Bowls the arrests for prostitution was 9 (for the entire week) one year and 14 for the other. Those numbers don't even seem high for a week in a major metro area.

Even so, paranoia runs deep ... fortunately readers and participants on this board are well informed and unlikely to try and pick up a SW outside the stadium on game day.
Secret Horned Frog's Avatar
I am glad WFAA ran this story. That way government officials cannot congratulate themselves on success of the supposed crackdown on prostitution. Using a phony issue as a way to justify a political goal of getting reelected, getting a pay raise, or a budget increase is repulsive.
Logan's Avatar
  • Logan
  • 02-01-2011, 03:56 PM
Last night this story was on the news, WFAA. After citing the tens of thousands and trafficking minors, etc, for SuperBowl and Olympics, etc, the report went on to debunk this as urban myth. Part of the story pointed out that in cities hosting the last two Super Bowls the arrests for prostitution was 9 (for the entire week) one year and 14 for the other. Those numbers don't even seem high for a week in a major metro area.
Originally Posted by dodger
Dodger, thankz for posting that link.

I saw the WFAA story last night on the news and it was very well done. It petty much debunked the Super Bowl/Prostitution myth. I was somewhat shocked WFAA would actually present a “fair and balanced” look at this issue. Other media outlets have only jumped aboard the “Prostitutes and Johns are going to overrun our city!” bandwagon.

Not sure how the “experts” estimated that 100,000 prostitutes would descend upon the area, and that white slavers and pimps would be coming in to town by the bus loads and Cadillac loadz. I recall similar outrageous numbers for prostitutes in the area for the NBA All-Star game.

Seedy characters, pimps, traffickers, underage girls, abusive handlers, etc, have alwayz been a part of the “World of Prostitution”, whether it’s on the internet or the streetz, it’s nothing new and certainly just doesn't surface during the Super Bowl. They call it the oldest profession for a reason.

Sadly, I’ve seen nothing but “threats of arrest” in the stories I’ve read about “prostitutes” coming to North Texas, but nothing about confidential resources and counseling for those “prostitutes” coming to the area that may want to escape the life/situation that they may be in. There seemz to be a lot of “hate” and not any “love” for the “prostitutes”. Some of the “real” criminals bussed into North Texas from the Katrina disaster were given a better welcome….
Int3rested's Avatar
the numbers are redickuless and it seems thay are more concerned about the game...