The WAPO gives Democrats 4 Pinocchio’s on the tax plan!

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, the Libtard WAPO gives the Democrats talking points about the Republicans tax plan 4 big ones!!!!

WTF is going on here??????
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like someone forgot to give the wapo the menu or they are actually doing their jobs for a change.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
NO, Wapo knows that the truth will come out and the GOP will be the benificiary of the exposed lies. Wapo is not helping the GOP. They still want them to fail and with it, the country.
bamscram's Avatar
If you lose some deductions will you pay more taxes? Like medical, mortgage ,ect.
bambino's Avatar
If you lose some deductions will you pay more taxes? Like medical, mortgage ,ect. Originally Posted by bamscram
Mortgage deductions stay except for new homes over $500,000.00
I B Hankering's Avatar
See if you might pay more or less:

The Trump tax calculator — will you pay more or less?

(Market Watch)
EKIM and assup are worried that they might lose their deductions for stall rentals, preparation H lip balm and baby wipes down at their 'holes !
bamscram's Avatar
EKIM and assup are worried that they might lose their deductions for stall rentals, preparation H lip balm and baby wipes down at their 'holes ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How do you deduct sucking dick ekim? Does your employer provide medical ?
So now YOU are talking to yourself EKIM ? Tourettes often EKIM ?
bamscram's Avatar
So now YOU are talking to yourself EKIM ? Tourettes often EKIM ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Talking to yourself ekim, you stupid fuck?

My name isn't mike is yours?