Do y’all text your masseuse?

I was texting my masseuse and she said she can’t stand me.
Then told me to go see her. I doubt I’ll do back. But I like her skin. Do any of you have an experience like this?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a review, moved from Amps
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-15-2023, 07:18 PM
I was texting my masseuse and she said she can’t stand me.
Then told me to go see her. I doubt I’ll do back. But I like her skin. Do any of you have an experience like this? Originally Posted by Douglashat
Sounds like all other hookers that can't stand 90% of their clients, she sounds BSC or could be starving for $
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I was texting my masseuse and she said she can’t stand me.
Then told me to go see her. I doubt I’ll do back. But I like her skin. Do any of you have an experience like this? Originally Posted by Douglashat
Can you pm me her info please.
Op are you trolling. Like honestly she said she can't stand you and you are still contemplating her. Thinking of her. As much work or hard as you work you are still thinking about her after she desrespected her.

Think about it like this. In Titanic Rose never thought to pull Jack into the raft. She watched him die. She could have pulled him up but she knew that raft was one deep.

Sigh. Your masseuse has a pussy. They made a billion plus. Be a boss and dismiss her ass like Nino brown. If you have a decent job she'll miss you before you miss her I promise.
Michael8219's Avatar
Rose was on piece of wood, not a life raft, and not even a door. Even though it wasn't a door, physics — plus the estimated weight of Jack and Rose — indicates that unless the wood was pine, Jack's survival was mathematically impossible.

But yep if you were disrespected I would not go back. Unless of course she’s fine AF, young, has GFE and PSE skills, and does overnights for $299 or less then all is forgiven - it must have been a misunderstanding.
Number1stunner's Avatar
Can you pm me her info please. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
Ditto for me on that as well…PM me her info
  • pxmcc
  • 07-15-2023, 10:33 PM
right lol. me too..

so bro not sure how to say this..without hurting your feelings and all, but to these gals, this is a job. a gig, u know? like, pays better than uber, but not always, right?

so imagine you have a boss, and she's not a spinner. hell, on a beach she'd make a horny walrus-ya its really a thing look emaciated, and after hours, you get a text: "hey"..

so how do u reply?


i mean really?

like you wanna say, "why in the fuck are you texting me? i already paid my dues. this should count for time and a half, plus hazard pay, in case i get ptsd and wake up in a cold sweat.."

if she likes you, which almost never happens, except when it does-blac barbi im talkin to u, n if my fun n games had any dam thing with u leavin the hobby, may the hobby gods strike me down-she'll let u know. otherwise, bro, its not personal. its jus bidnez. u see?

so text her when ur ready to book a session. othawise, dont call her, she'll call u..
I was texting my masseuse and she said she can’t stand me.
Then told me to go see her. I doubt I’ll do back. But I like her skin. Do any of you have an experience like this? Originally Posted by Douglashat
PM me her info if you can please as well as her service level, attitude etc..

Sometimes the lady gets into that attitude that because she has a vagina you should hand her the money when you walk in without her touching her.

If word gets around who this person is and business slows up (I am sure there will be others who see her) or post a review (even if it is past due) and she is a member on here and reads it then things might change.. very least if she reads the review it will take a team of Clydesdale horses to hold her back from posting a rebuttle.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I was texting my masseuse and she said she can’t stand me.
Then told me to go see her. I doubt I’ll do back. Do any of you have an experience like this? Originally Posted by Douglashat
#1: What was the conversation BEFORE she text that she couldn't stand you? Text can be taken "many ways", it all depends on the tone of the conversation that led up to that and how well you know one another...

#2: We all know you're going back... However, BEFORE you DO; verbally speak with her on the phone and see what that shit was about. If she wasn't "joking" (assuming you have that type of relationship), then find some SELF-ESTEEM/SELF WORTH/Grab Your Nuts and Take Your Money Elsewhere. Because, You Deserve A Better Experience!

I Wish You Well, have a Great day and Happy Hobbying!
Demolition's Avatar
I have one I text from time to time. I let her know a day or so in advance that I like to see her and set up an appointment. I text her when I'm on my way to make sure everything is good to go and then thank her after I see her. She goes out of town occasionally and will text me when she is planning on return. I keep it simple, but a little courtesy and politeness go a long with with good customer relations.
#1: What was the conversation BEFORE she text that she couldn't stand you? Text can be taken "many ways", it all depends on the tone of the conversation that led up to that and how well you know one another...

#2: We all know you're going back... However, BEFORE you DO; verbally speak with her on the phone and see what that shit was about. If she wasn't "joking" (assuming you have that type of relationship), then find some SELF-ESTEEM/SELF WORTH/Grab Your Nuts and Take Your Money Elsewhere. Because, You Deserve A Better Experience!

I Wish You Well, have a Great day and Happy Hobbying! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO

I agree with this. If ya'll dont have a rapport where you talk to each other like that then you should have moved on when she took that tone. Too many fish in the sea to be putting up with stank attitudes.