LA Goes Shopping At Nordstrom.

You reap what you sow. Voters elected leaders who don’t seem interested in putting a stop to this sort of activity.

Live with your choice.
winn dixie's Avatar
Back to school supplies?
The disenfranchised deserve nice things
oilfieldace's Avatar
Even if jesting, that is a ridiculous statement
Back to school supplies?
The disenfranchised deserve nice things Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you ever become a victim of a crime lets us know what your view is then.
winn dixie's Avatar
Our society has driven these down trodden to desperate measures.
Our society has driven these down trodden to desperate measures. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Screw that disingenuous statement, answer my question.
winn dixie's Avatar
Like the op posted. Reap what is sewn. California is getting what it deserves
Like the op posted. Reap what is sewn. California is getting what it deserves Originally Posted by winn dixie
People keep complaining about “Soros backed DA’s.”

Well, Soros might put up the money, but the voters still have to vote them in.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My ex shops a lot at Nordstroms. I still can't believe I am still paying for their overpriced bullshit clothes and handbags... I wish she was with that group of delinquent assholes so I could have maybe saved a few bucks.

In all seriousness, some people have no moral compass. They'll do what they do regardless of who is in office. Not everything is about politics... if I get car jacked tomorrow, trust me, it would have happened regardless of who the fuck is in office. If I decide to rob a bank tomorrow; do you think I would give a flying fuck about politics if I decided to do so? I'd be only concerned about their security and not Governor Abbott. LOL
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Our society has driven these down trodden to desperate measures. Originally Posted by winn dixie
If by that you mean society has labled and stereotyped them as incapable of responsibility for their own actions or being unable to striving for excellence - then ya.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...In all seriousness, some people have no moral compass.... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I dunno 'bout dat. I think it shows they are not good value shoppers. If they would have waited just a couple more weeks Nordstrom's will be having their Going Out of Business Sale.
oilfieldace's Avatar
You are witnessing the best example ever for having 30 round mags
winn dixie's Avatar
You are witnessing the best example ever for having 30 round mags Originally Posted by oilfieldace
You're calling for mass murder over handbags and sweaters? Yikes
oilfieldace's Avatar
Is that what you takeaway, I am calling for law and order, there is more to self defense than protecting one’s self. It’s called defending what is yours . You certainly don’t understand the word murder.

Are you condoning criminal behavior? You all about jailing an ex over a couple of tweets and are defending those low bred mongrels. That is the attitude that is destroying America.
Like the op posted. Reap what is sewn. California is getting what it deserves Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well since you don't have the guts to answer the question honestly, I am going to assume you would be ok with being a victim of a property crime as long as the perpetrator is poor, lol.