Trump recently tried to claim that the secrets he was heard showing off on that audio tape were plans or a golf course. Good luck trying to sell that to a jury when his own staff are testifying otherwise.

The fat organge turd is going to jail, and I think by the time all the evidence is presented, only tin-foil-hat wearing loonies like berryberry are going to believe that he doesn't deserve it.

Figures his incessant bragging might be what brings him down. What a clown.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Complete nothingburger, again. She - claims- Trump showed someone something. She has no idea what it was, doesn’t even claim to, yet is sure it’s bad because of something he said to someone else, at a completely different time. Sorry, this gets laughed out of court, and likely never even makes it there. Keep trying tho.
Great post, Purrito. The clown is gonna nothingburger his way to being a convicted felon.
Figures his incessant bragging might be what brings him down. What a clown. Originally Posted by Charley3
Malignant narcissists can't help themselves. That's why his lawyers always advise him against testifying in any capacity. He'd surely incriminate himself and others once his hot air machine gets going. Of course it's going to be his own blabbermouth that gets him in trouble.
LMAO! Complete nothingburger, again. She - claims- Trump showed someone something. She has no idea what it was, doesn’t even claim to, yet is sure it’s bad because of something he said to someone else, at a completely different time. Sorry, this gets laughed out of court, and likely never even makes it there. Keep trying tho. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Dude, it's most definitely going to court. Reality will sink in eventually for you with this guy. And no, it won't be "rigged". He's a fucking criminal and he's gonna be getting prosecuted for fucking crimes. Many of us have been right about this piece of shit all along. The law is just finally catching up to him - if he wasn't a former POTUS, he'd already be in jail.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I didn’t say the case wasn’t going to court, it should. The point is that this particular story is nothing remotely resembling evidence of anything, it’s 100% speculation. Not sure if this chicky has an axe to grind, but would guess she does.

The law is just finally catching up to him - if he wasn't a former POTUS, he'd already be in jail.
That’s the inverse of reality. The only reason any of this farce is happening is because he is running again. Nothing will happen, the objective is to dirty him up as much as possible with a continuation of the decade long series of frivolous horseshit.

That’s the inverse of reality. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not to those of us who read the Mueller report. Mueller mentioned the feds policy not to indict a sitting president.

Nothing will happen... Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You don't seem to understand how the Feds work. When they indict someone, a conviction is almost assured. Their conviction rate is over 99%. The only slight chance he has is going to a jury trial, because it will be hard to find an impartial jury in Florida. Cult 45 runs deep there.
Even if they let him skate on a majority of the charges, what are the odds of him being exonerated on all 71 felony counts? All it takes is one to potentially send him to prison. He's up Shit Creek without a paddle.

And that's 71 counts only thus far. Surely there are more on the way.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Muller mentioned a lot of shit, none of indicating that the predicate non-crime happened, because it didn’t. Trump didn’t “collude” with anyone, it was a bunch of garbage made up by the Hillary campaign. Everyone now knows and accepts the facts, except for maybe a few on this forum unable to come to terms with being played.

And this is the 3,497,546,765th time that Trump was going to prison, according to democrats and the media. Didn’t happen then and won’t now.
trump absolutely colluded with Russia. Over a microphone on Live TV. The "Russia, if you're listening" speech happened the same day they began their election meddling campaign (which nobody denies they meddled, not even trump). This wasn't coincidence.

And you really aren't grasping that being indicted on 71 felony counts by the Feds is really a whole new level. He stole classified materials and dicked the FBI around for almost a year when they tried getting them back.

Most people I know never thought he was really going to prison before this - but this is different. He had never been indicted before, and he no longer enjoys the unfair protection of being POTUS.

I remain skeptical even to this day, because finding an impartial jury in Florida will be next to impossible (Florida being one the deepest trump cult states of them all). But, he absolutely SHOULD be going to prison. Most reasonable people would agree with that. He's most certainly a criminal. Play dumb all you want, but reality is undefeated.
berryberry's Avatar
trump absolutely colluded with Russia. Over a microphone on Live TV. The "Russia, if you're listening" speech happened the same day they began their election meddling campaign (which nobody denies they meddled, not even trump). This wasn't coincidence. Originally Posted by tommy156

Talk about an ill informed perspective. The Russia hoax has been thoroughly debunked multiple times. Even the DNC media has admitted it. Yet you persist. Wow
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Him cracking a joke sure riled up the humorless left, they truly are a miserable lot. One thing for sure about Trump, he was the funniest mofo to hold high office and knew right where to stick it for maximum trigger effect.

Talk about an ill informed perspective. The Russia hoax has been thoroughly debunked multiple times. Even the DNC media has admitted it. Yet you persist. Wow Originally Posted by berryberry
A lot of MAGAs are still claiming the 2020 election was rigged, despite that being debunked multiple times, so...
berryberry's Avatar
Him cracking a joke sure riled up the humorless left, they truly are a miserable lot. One thing for sure about Trump, he was the funniest mofo to hold high office and knew right where to stick it for maximum trigger effect. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Trump just loved to trigger the ill informed leftists