what should be done about providers who ignore reference requests

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Lately i have become rather frustrated with the many providers who ignore reference requests

They clearly read the message, the gent in question has reviewed them, and still nothing. I understand providers are busy but if u can take the time to read the message u can take the time to reply.

I have lost 3 potential appointments this week alone due to this.

So what should we do in these situations?

Call them out in public so potential clients can know not to count on these particular ladies to give them a reference? One provider has done this many times.

Or just ignore the cock blocking?

I thought the reference system was put in place to keep each other safe but lately it seems providers are only for self.

I do want to thank the providers who respond to reference request in a timely manner. You ladies are great. Special shout out to cassnadra lamore, raven rayne and the departed leilover who always give the best references in a timely manner

Sorry if this is rantish i am just very sick of the catty behind the scenes bs plus i just finished a very long overnight shift at the real job.

I still strongly suggest clients sign up for p411 to avoid all this crap.
Preach! One of the fist posts I ever made on Eccie was about this VERY thing, almost 4 yrs ago, and it's actually gotten worse. I always tell the gent that whoever the lady in question is, has not responded and thus we can't meet. What he does on his end is up to him. I am personally on board with public shaming as there are several popular "ladies" that are in this category. It's a damn shame really. I feel your frustration Jules. Let's see what the guys think about it?
lda523287's Avatar
Not rantish at all, I would like to know which providers not to count on for references.
pyramider's Avatar
JJ, inform the fucktard that requested the appointment that one of his references will not respond and could he provide another reference. You will not be ranting, just state the facts objectively. Most fucktards do not know which ladies respond to reference requests. Also, posting taint photos is an added help ... ijs.
  • Gbfsl
  • 04-21-2015, 07:35 AM
Agree with Kendall's approach of letting the client know why you won't see him. Maybe he would then get back to her to put a little pressure on her.

As to public outting....not sure if that would be effective or keep anyone from seeing a provider. Frankly, I have never used "giving references" as a criteria for seeing or not seeing a lady. But, having said that, I know it is important to you providers so, if it makes you feel better, do it. Nothing to loose.
As said, let the guy know. This behavior may not prevent a guy from seeing her the first time but it might cost her a repeat customer. Of course, we are assuming she said she would provide references for him. Even if that is true she could at least respond to you that she does not provide references.
Call them out publicly and let the drama ensue.
melannie_star's Avatar
So true..
and I'm right with you ladies on this whole reference thing.

Now I only accept references from fewer and fewer ladies.

One huge dilemma is not receiving any feedback at all..
Another is late responses, like months late.
but the biggest is the wrong information on client..lol

Last week I had one respond that stated " have no idea who he is" .
Even though he had just written a recent review.

The same day I had a lady tell me yes.. he is a great Asian guy. Kind of young and sweet.... Well that is not even close to the person who knocked on my door.. LOL

The worst feedback I ever had gotten back was a bunch of slurred words on a keyboard.. LMAO.. made no sense what so ever and could not put a sentence together.

Are you kidding me?

So I do like to thank the guys who are patient in my screening process and understand my reasoning and the fact It may take a while to get to my door if I do not feel the listed references are reliable. Some are even well known ladies that do this.
So I do not discriminate on how many reviews a girl may have. If they are scandalous, that's the way it is.

I find myself always recommending ladies who are either newbie friendly or whom I would accept a reference from.. Selena51 is always great at responses..
as well as Bella Ft Worth.
I do have to admit I miss Leilover too!

Kelly Moore is another lady who has always been great!

I get that time online can be limited with real world things.. So I usually do not expect same day responses, but is always great when it does happen!!! lol

When a guy list certain ladies as a reference I do not feel is reliable I simply just ask for 2 other ladies who may be reference friendly. They can usually put 2 and 2 together..lol.

I always say the toughest thing about the boards is verification.. once that is out of the way.. It is game on..
Preach! One of the fist posts I ever made on Eccie was about this VERY thing, almost 4 yrs ago, and it's actually gotten worse. I always tell the gent that whoever the lady in question is, has not responded and thus we can't meet. What he does on his end is up to him. I am personally on board with public shaming as there are several popular "ladies" that are in this category. It's a damn shame really. I feel your frustration Jules. Let's see what the guys think about it? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Yep! I think the guys will have to do the public naming and shaming though. If providers were to do it then we should keep it in the ladies' area. If a lady were to start naming who, it would likely just make the two ladies look bad and do nothing to solve the problem. I always respond to reference requests. It's not that difficult. There's no reason why a lady can't make the effort.
Grace Preston's Avatar
This is why the whole screening world is changing. Between ladies who don't answer at all (happens often), ladies who turn around and contact the gent with a discount (also happens often), and gents who say "please don't contact ________ -- every time someone contacts ________ she calls and yells and starts drama" (I have 3 ladies on my no reference list due to that). There are only a handful of ladies left that I accept references on. Fortunately, I seem to share the same pool of gents with these ladies and we all seem to back and forth with the references on various gents.

I've had to get un-lazy and start verifying the old school way without relying solely on references. As the saying goes... These hoes ain't loyal.
I usually ask if there are any particular references that the provider would give priority to. Seems like providers have their list of ladies who are good with references as well.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-21-2015, 08:37 AM
Just ignore the cock blocking is your best bet, I deal with this problem in one of my professions, cock blocking shit talkers fearing a lost of income. This issue will never go away as there's people who are just like that.

one more suggestion: You woman should make a public providers list who don't respond/help other providers in the screening process, ill bet most providers would not want to be on that list and will force them to get their shit together.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
So true..
and I'm right with you ladies on this whole reference thing.

Now I only accept references from fewer and fewer ladies.

One huge dilemma is not receiving any feedback at all..
Another is late responses, like months late.
but the biggest is the wrong information on client..lol

Last week I had one respond that stated " have no idea who he is" .
Even though he had just written a recent review.

The same day I had a lady tell me yes.. he is a great Asian guy. Kind of young and sweet.... Well that is not even close to the person who knocked on my door.. LOL

The worst feedback I ever had gotten back was a bunch of slurred words on a keyboard.. LMAO.. made no sense what so ever and could not put a sentence together.

Are you kidding me?

So I do like to thank the guys who are patient in my screening process and understand my reasoning and the fact It may take a while to get to my door if I do not feel the listed references are reliable. Some are even well known ladies that do this.
So I do not discriminate on how many reviews a girl may have. If they are scandalous, that's the way it is.

I find myself always recommending ladies who are either newbie friendly or whom I would accept a reference from.. Selena51 is always great at responses..
as well as Bella Ft Worth.
I do have to admit I miss Leilover too!

Kelly Moore is another lady who has always been great!

I get that time online can be limited with real world things.. So I usually do not expect same day responses, but is always great when it does happen!!! lol

When a guy list certain ladies as a reference I do not feel is reliable I simply just ask for 2 other ladies who may be reference friendly. They can usually put 2 and 2 together..lol.

I always say the toughest thing about the boards is verification.. once that is out of the way.. It is game on.. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Im working on it i am a patent man casue i know in the end it will be worth it Melannie Star Plus yeah it do suck when a provider dont remember you... or dont offer up a referance....sigh
FunInDFW's Avatar
There are lots of methods to facilitate this easily for both parties, yet there has to be a barrier of entry to actually promote honest usage since this about safety (amongst other things). Mobile app and a website would seem to be the easiest. It sends a notification via text/email/app with data that is 'safe' insomuch that it's not tied to anything illegal: From "PrOvIdEr NaMe" in regards to "Client Handle" with a yes/no/other (some form of input for a detailed reply). There would need to be a feedback system for when a sender did not get a reply. After 'X' amount of negative feedback, that person would need to be allowed back in.

A vouching system would probably be the most accessible. This would also facilitate letting others back in that have been kicked out due to negative feed back.
I find myself always recommending ladies who are either newbie friendly or whom I would accept a reference from.. Selena51 is always great at responses.. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Funny story, I always wanted to see Selena as she was on my TDL. I've always wanted to see Melannie and listed her as well. When I saw that Melannie referenced Selena as a preferred reference, I thought it was a no brainer to give Selena priority on my list and I saw her and had a fantastic time! It's was just icing on the cake to know that such a wonderful experience could facilitate me seeing another awesome provider. So maybe a listing of preferred providers by said provider one would make a difference as it is a "win win" situation.