Where Have All The Gentleman Gone?

Am I missing something? I used to be a high profile provider that was heavily involved in this community. However, many things have changed that. I visit the board and each time I just see the same thing. Degradation. Verbal abuse. Childishness. Beautiful women/people (inside & out) being picked apart by the same men who pay for their company. It's taken a lot of God Damn therapy to recover from some of the things I've endured in this hobby.

I used to subject myself to this place and wonder why I continued to come back to a place that made me feel terrible about myself.

I'm still working on it I suppose, but WHERE are THE RESPECTFUL kind gentlemen that actually like women?
They're at our incalls, of course. Lol. There are still a lot of gentleman on here, sometimes it just seems that they aren't around because they are likely UTR and many of the ones making all the new threads lately are the mean trolls, unfortunately. Plenty of em around though!
sue_nami's Avatar
Oh girls, you know they are here and come see us regularly, the real gentlemen do not feel the need to belittle women or put people down or bully people to make themselves feel like a big shot. Most of the Eccie guys i see say they do not participate on the board and just read reviews and look at showcases.I know their are plenty of gentlemen on eccie and the few loud bad apples being hateful and ugly are not representative of the fellas who actually grace our doorways and become regulars. there are trolls on any board and our trolls are just vociferous and into showing off for each other. once I put the boors on ignore my eccie experience become oh so much more enjoyable.
beam me up scotty's Avatar
Respect like this is hard to come by, wish these good ole days would return.
I rarely provide, so it doesn't effect me much either way. I'm not going to see any fucktards or any man less than 100% respectful or kind, because I am respectful and kind. Myself and the ladies of Venus pretty much all have the same philosophy.

I've been disenchanted with the Austin board for quite sometime. I miss the good men of this board and wish they would speak out more.


knotty man's Avatar
Killeen !!!
I see someone found "the letter." I did not write this letter, but thought it deserved to be reposted in its entirety instead of just a link.

"*An anonymous email I received from a former provider asked me to post this for her therapy

I was contacted by a man whos best friend retired. He asked me if I would be willing to post her thoughts on retiring because it would help her therapy. I told him I would be willing to post everything as long as it was within Eccie guidelines.*I did not write this!*DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER. So I am posting the following to help the retired lady per*her*request. She did not want to post this herself. She wishes to remain "incognito" LOL, so who else to ask then me, right? To the author of this: I hope by me posting this, you are able to get the relief you need. Best wishes. So to the Eccie audience, here is what she wrote:

Why am I retiring? Because no amount of money is worth the constant criticism, objectification and degradation we're forced to deal with as providers. I used to genuinely enjoy being a provider, but at some point, I woke up and realized that too many of my clients viewed me as nothing more than a fucking hooker. Despite popular opinion, we are human beings, not emotionless holes waiting for the next misogynist to stick his dick inside us in exchange for an envelope full of cash. The economy isn't that bad, the money is still flowing freely... some of us just don't want this life anymore.*

It's no surprise that hobbyists complain that so many providers are becoming mechanical and don't seem to enjoy their jobs. How would you feel if every single aspect of your physical appearance was consistently scrutinized? Or if having an "off" day or an interaction with a vengeful meant that you might end up with a review that would damage your business for months to come? Or knowing that every time you opened the door to meet a new client, you were opening yourself up to the risk of STDs, violent attacks, arrest or outing?*

All of those risks, and all of those stressors, and you still nickle and dime us as if we're some underground Wal-Mart, happy to offer our bodies, minds and emotional health up to the lowest fucking bidder. You still call at 2 a.m. with ridiculous half-attempts at communication like, "You avail?" or "Up for a B&G? Only have $50."*

To those of you who take advantage of a woman's financial distress to avail yourself of some unheard of "special" - like seeing her for $100/hour when she normally charges $250/hour, or paying her for an hour but staying for three hours - and then brag about it proudly across the boards, opening her up to ridiculous expectations from every single man who reads that review... SHAME ON YOU.*

To those of you who claim to be our friends to our faces, and act like our friends in real life, then include us in your blanket categorization of all of the women on the board as "whores" or "sluts," - SHAME ON YOU. Your insults only highlight your general misogynistic views toward women and reflect on your own poor self esteem.*

To those of you who make it your life's mission to bait, harass and insult each other on a board meant for entertainment, causing very real emotional distress to many of the women you attack, and causing undue stress in the lives of the moderators who are supposed to keep it all civil - SHAME ON YOU. I'd like to see you withstand months or years of "taking the high road" because your business would suffer if you responded in the manner you'd like.

To those of you who see no issue with pushing yourselves on us as if we should be grateful that you're offering us half our usual rate, show up at our homes or incalls unannounced, invade our privacy and take it up on yourselves to speculate as to why we're retiring or going UTR - SHAME ON YOU. You would be livid and humiliated if we entered your "real" life and did the same to you.*

And finally, to those of you who claim to see us as real people, or even as ladies worthy of your respect, but then degrade your experiences with us down to a series of jumbled acronyms, various positions, and whether or not we could perform DT... Perhaps you should reevaluate whether you really view us as people, or just as a service, like everyone else.*

A heartfelt thanks to the select gentlemen who always treated me (and many other ladies) not only as a real person, but as a real lady. You made it possible for me to leave this part of my life behind without entirely regretting the last couple of years. I'll remember you fondly.*

And above all else, to DXXXX BXXXXXX, (name removed) the one man who was able to break through my emotional walls and show me that chivalry and respect are alive and well... who accepted my "job" despite the rough patches and the neverending board drama... who never made me feel like anything less than a beautiful, intelligent woman... Thank you for showing me that I am so much more than the sum total of my provider reviews, my rates, and the comments people make about me on an Internet forum. I love you.

To all the decent men who treat us with respect I do not put you in the same category with all the others. Thank you for a compliment, human decency, respect, and considering the needs and wants of your provider.

I am a retired provider, as such, I now have nothing to lose by sharing my true feelings. I hit rock bottom as a direct result of this business. Before I started this business I was a happy average working person. Yes, this retired hooktard actually has skills besides sucking your disgusting cocks.

In the beginning the clients were bearable, sometimes enjoyable, because they were respectful. No, I am not just jaded. You hobbyists have become worse and worse.

I do know that I entered this business of my own free will. BUT really I did not. If it had not have been for extenuating financial circumstances I would have never subjected myself to this world of hell. And some of you sick fucks brag about taking advantage of our poor economic status. Most girls would probably say the same. Although, they can't say it, because they would lose business. Some will say I love my job, but it's only self promotion. There is only a small percentage of women who actually like you ass holes. What makes me and alot of girls sick about you hobbyists is the fact that we give so much of ourselves, and you treat us like we are sub human. You push our boundaries, degrade us, and review us like we are some piece of meat or trash. You take advantage of the fact we are reviewed, so you can get the most out of us like we are some non living product.*

If that's not bad enough we see the constant chest beating, egomaniac misogynists reminding us everyday that we are not good enough, not talented enough, not smart enough. not skinny enough, not pretty enough. And you wonder why the fuck we become jaded. You hobbyists always crack jokes about our intelligence and our mental health. I am here to tell you most providers were probably okay before they were subjected to the hobby. AND I KNOW NO ONE MADE US, BUT most of us had extenuating circumstances to come here.*

Let me tell you a little secret: You are a fucking joke if you really believe we like you and want to have sex with you!

I am here to tell you that most of these women hate you, hate your breathe, your touch, and your unwanted kisses. We count every minute until you are out the door, so we can scrub your stinch off. Quite a few of us have homicidal thoughts when your stinky fat asses are sweating all over us. There should be at least some common fucking decency that it is an exchange, and leave it at that. But no you guys constantly pick and tear us apart like vultures. Do we really deserve that, because we are sex workers? We are mothers, daughters, and sisters, not some piece of meat that deserves to suffer mental anguish at your hands, because you are above us. You all have sucked the life and happiness right out of me, and I never want to see any of you again.

To all the decent men who treat us with respect I do not put you in the same category with all the others. Thank you for a compliment, human decency, respect, and considering the needs and wants of your provider.

Austin/San Antonio Thank you so very much. That fucking*
felt great!"
knotty man's Avatar
i remember reading this many moons ago
i felt really bad that her feelings had been brought to that
i dont think i ever saw her again
Nope. Me either. I wish her well though. It is sad what this place can do to you, on both sides, if you aren't careful.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
WHERE are THE RESPECTFUL kind gentlemen that actually like women? Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment
Ah cain't tell ya 'xactlee butt it involves a mass shallow grave an' a dump truck full o' lye.
I rarely provide, so it doesn't effect me much either way. I'm not going to see any fucktards or any man less than 100% respectful or kind, because I am respectful and kind. Myself and the ladies of Venus pretty much all have the same philosophy.

I've been disenchanted with the Austin board for quite sometime. I miss the good men of this board and wish they would speak out more.


VFG Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment
Apparently no one wants to be labeled a "white knight". Because labels mean you have an opinion that can be perceived as either negative or positive. IMO. Same goes for women.
awl4knot's Avatar
I rarely provide, so it doesn't effect me much either way. I'm not going to see any fucktards or any man less than 100% respectful or kind, because I am respectful and kind. Myself and the ladies of Venus pretty much all have the same philosophy.

I've been disenchanted with the Austin board for quite sometime. I miss the good men of this board and wish they would speak out more.


VFG Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment
I am an outsider but I pay some attention to this forum and have seen its decline in manners. One thing I have noticed is how mongers are labeled as "fucktards" and ladies as "hooktards". If your normal descriptor of a person is a slur how can you have any respect for them? On other boards that I am familiar with if you use terms such as "hooker" or "whore" you get points. Here, it is common parlance.

The crazies and the haters always take over hooker (oops) boards unless there is strong moderation. Look at the Reviewers forum on TER as an example. Good people can't fight the trolls and move on for their own sanity.
I see what you are saying, but I did not call a monger a fucktard. I don't even like it when a guy calls himself a monger. A fucktard is exactly that... a fucktard.

I just wanted to clarify that. Maybe that is all I see, because that's how I've felt lately. Law of attraction stuff perhaps? I dunno. I just know I never want to see another bad client again. Only the good guys.
Close-knit hobby boards have always been prone to ungentlemanly conduct and behaviors, and Eccie is no different than any other board in that respect. They will go through phases of worse trolls and better administration, but at the end of the days and weeks and months and years, hobby boards are bad for providers and hobbyists who read them too much. I've avoided aspd and eccie this long for that reason. While they may be useful for advertising and infoshare, they are not healthy environments for anyone, generally speaking. You have to be a certain kind of ruthless to handle these places, and most people are not made of that kind of grit. There's no net benefit to playing along with the flame wars on the boards, so I'm not sure why so many people get so involved. However, the anthropologist in me is still going to read every word.

Every board has their own Still Looking, every board has their own Whispers, and every board has their own Psycho Marine. Without fail.

Always trust the Injustice 'cause it's not going away.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mebbe tha fillies is gittin' reddy fer an uprising'...