Bulk Emails

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-02-2012, 09:12 AM

Please do not send out bulk email to your prospective clients with their email addresses in either the "To" or "CC" fields. If you are not sure how to send a mass email with the recipient addresses hidden, please do not send the email out.

Thank you.
If someone did this, they should be named on the board so the more discreet of us can avoid.. Pink
The scary part is when you see email addresses like john.smith@fortune500co.com

At least tigercat@dumbstruck.com does not lead you back to me.
Ugh! I have somehow managed to end up on a certain lady's "list" and even after repeatedly asking her to remove me, I still get them.

It's usually something to the effect of : "it's been a long time since we connected, wanted to let you know my schedule for the week, blah blah blah."

Pure desperation at its finest ladies and gents!

If you're reading this, again, please remove me! Thanks!
TinMan's Avatar
More importantly, don't use your real life email address when hobbying. There is an attorney at a well-known law firm whom I now know has the same taste in women I do.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Now now.

When I complained that a well known client on here sent a blast email out without using BCC he acted shocked and called me paranoid.

This doesn't just happen with the providers.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-03-2012, 10:06 AM
This doesn't just happen with the providers. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
When a client gives his email address out to a provider, he expects her not to share it with other people.

When a provider informs her client that the email address is not to be shared, she expects him not to mention it in a review, etc.