Where do NCNS Go

CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
Where are we actually allowed to post NCNS? Anywhere I post anything I usually get a warning, but I get so sick of these guys that get you to stop what you are doing to see them then not bother showing up or letting you know. I answered an ISO he called me hours later booked a 5, thenn no show. Holiday when I could have spent time with friends, I run get ready and wait for someone that did not have the respect to let me know a thing.

I know in our line of work we will always have some that disrespect, belittle or even abuse us, but here you would think that there would be some middle ground. Guys, we need work and we need to survive, but you need us just as much. Without good providers you fall prey to being robbed, disease, bait and switch and drunks at a bar.

All I am saying is we give up a lot in life to be there for you, notice and appreciate. I know that my 4 ATFH's (All Time Favorite Hobbist)have my heart and I would walk thru fire for them
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Just a wild guess, but probably the ladies area would be your best bet when you're complaining about no call no show or behavior of a specific client. The gentleman don't really need to be privy to that type of information. You know this...
  • theG
  • 07-03-2016, 04:42 PM
I can give you a list of providers who do the same thing.

I've had two providers recently NCNS on me and the same two have been late on regular basis when they have showed. (Anyone wanting to know the names I'll be happy to pass those along.)

If a provider sets a time be there and ready at that time. I've noticed over the past year that providers seem to think our time is not worth as much as your time. It's a complete lack of respect.

So while you say its the guys there are plenty of guys who have the same thing happen.
CG2014's Avatar
Providers also NCNS and then there are the ones who try to cut the session short by 15 min and you already paid them for an hour.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Of course it does. That's why there's specific gender related areas for those specific topics.

Most (i said most) of the time the reason she gets told she's doing it wrong when she post something is because she's not masking the information correctly. It's not always about where she puts the information it's that she can't seem to comprehend the sticky that tells you step by step by step, specifically, how to do it. She's not alone either. I saw one just today by a veteran provider that didn't mask the information correctly. It's embarrassing to watch day in and day out. And everyone of her (CHS) theADs is questionably whack anyway.
BBWKatrina is right, you should post this is the ladies only area, if you have not already. I am glad you posted your situation on here. OP, Maybe the guy you are talking about that you will name, might give his side of the situation. And this forum is where you would post that type of info as this is also where guys are to post their NCNS situations. When it comes to accusations, Eccie is a great he said/she said site.

While most hobbyists do not waste a provider's time and/or do a NCNS, and CG2014, most provider's do not NCNS or short you on time or even play the YMMV card to be able to do the least service for the dollar. Now, you do have the same ones that do it over and over because that is what they do.

Why do they get away with it? God forbid if you report the ones that do it to you or even ask a question concerning NCNS/YMMV because when you do, the wanna be detectives, WKs and others will always try to make you out to be the bad guy. That why NCNS and bad sessions go under reported publicly or privately.
CG2014's Avatar
Funny. Someone just told me 2 well known providers here in DFW, NCNS him and one of them did it 8 times to him in the same week.

How do you explain that?

From now on every provider WHO IS NOT A NEWBIE that tells me it's time to finish up while I still have 10-17 min to go in my session or tell me you have 5 min to come and 5 min to get dressed after that because I have another guy coming after you with only 2 minutes to spare will get a NO review, I don't care how much fun the play was.

I paid for 1 hour and I will get 1 hour.

If they want to short me 10 min, 15 min, 19 min, then I will prorate those minutes out of the donation and stop paying up front.

They shouldn't book their sessions so close to each other, not even giving themselves time to wash their pussies and genital areas and their bodies.

Then they want to say we better show up with excellent hygiene or else:

yet they are the ones pulling a train, one guy after another with only a few minutes in between session and not even giving themselves a full long hot shower in between session.

When I decide to see a provider, she is the only one I see the entire day. I didn't just come from seeing 3-4 other providers, each per hour, in the past 3-4 hours, without showering and I always shower before I leave the house to go meet a Provider even if I've already taken a shower that morning when I woke up and the night before, before I went to sleep.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
How do you explain why he gave that hoe 8 chances? That's the real question. And the answer to that probably lies within GPS syndrome guidelines. Not only does she think she has golden pussy, but obviously he thought so as well...
Funny. Someone just told me 2 well known providers here in DFW, NCNS him and one of them did it 8 times to him in the same week.

How do you explain that?

From now on every provider that tells me it's time to finish up while I still have 10-17 min to go in my session or tell me you have 5 min to come and 5 min to get dressed after that because I have another guy coming after you with only 2 minutes to spare will get a NO review, I don't care how much fun the play was.

I paid for 1 hour and I will get 1 hour.

If they want to short me 10 min, 15 min, 19 min, then I will prorate those minutes out of the donation and stop paying up front.

They shouldn't book their sessions so close to each other, not even giving themselves time to wash their pussies and genital areas and their bodies.

Then they want to say we better show up with excellent hygiene or else:

yet they are the ones pulling a train, one guy after another with only a few minutes in between session and not even giving themselves a full long hot shower in between session.

When I decide to see a provider, she is the only one I see the entire day. I didn't just come from seeing 3-4 other providers, each per hour, in the past 3-4 hours. Originally Posted by CG2014
They need to report them regardless of how popular they are. After all, this is an info exchange site.

You can do what you want on your reviews, they are your reviews.
mrredcat43's Avatar
They need to report them regardless of how popular they are. After all, this is an info exchange site.

You can do what you want on your reviews, they are your reviews. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Thanks for stating the obvious..............