provider need for safety vs hobbiest need for privacy

i assume many of the hobbiests are married men not being satisfied at home.
as a hobbiest the advice i read is to go to a well reviewed provider be it escort of body rub. so the provider wants your real name and other factual info to make sure you are not a cop and not someone who will do her harm. the hobbiest needs discretion and so is concerned that his wife might find out if his real name was out there. all the places i see that you can be verified either give the provider your real info or require that you have one or more providers review you in order for them to vouch for you. how do you veteran hobbiests handle this? how do you know you can trust the provider?
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Well ive had people send me full pictures of their id, along with all kinda other things for screening before. Ive always deleted them. Now a bp girl absolutely not, but a well established provider isnt stupid enough to risk her reputation to hurt you.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Welcome to the Hobby you look like your new I just want to say play safe and have fun!

with the info part just go with your gut feelin on that . With BP girls I wouldn't give them my whole name but most of the time the girls get a feeling about you by talking to you . But I know the best way to be verified is to see some of the girls that will see you and work your way up to the ones you really want to see. there are some verified girl that is Newbbie friendly.but if you try to give some BP girls as refferance you are just going no where. most the verified girls want to know your safe and will take referance from another girl she knows something about like another verified girls so she know you are ok .you Know you can't always start off seeing all of the verified girls but once you get some girls to say your ok you can start seeing some of the ones you really want to, then it just takes time to be known and the girls know you are ok.It just takes time just have fun with the girls that will see you and have fun with them and before long you will be able to see the ones you really want to !
I wouldn't worry about the site for now that will verifi you that will come in time once you get to know some of the girls and once we all know you are ok you find out alot more.
Well said Jjsunday. Only thing I would ad is when seeing newbie friendly girls make sure they are reference friendly otherwise your not really building up your rep. I also recommend once you do get a few girls under your belt get a invite to P411.
Cpalmson's Avatar
This is always one of the most difficult aspects of the hobby. For me rule #1, never give out more info than you are comfortable with-- even if it means not seeing a girl you really want to see. Rule #2, do your research and look for girls who are newbie friendly and like rrabbit said reference friendly as well. If you can afford P411, I would join b/c they will screen you. They are reputable and located in Canada, so that gives you some distance. Rule #3, be active on the boards and be friendly. Interact with the girls both in the public forums and via private message. I've talked to numerous providers and most tell me that they actually go with their gut on whether or not to accept a client. Getting that first reference is key. When you get that, so many doors open. I was fortunate enough to strike up a month's long conversation with a provider before meeting her. When it came time to book, her familiarity with me was screening enough. From there, that references opened the door wide for me. Now, screening is a non-issue for me. Most girls know me and know I'm good to go. That is hobby nirvana. One last cautionary tale. Be careful when dealing with BP girls-- especially BP only girls with no presence on other sites. I wouldn't give them too much detailed info. Also, be careful of the girls who don't screen at all.