Some ppl are just unpleasable!

Magically Delicious's Avatar
I just want to throw it out there and say some ppl are unpleasable no matter what you do! Next, for the record, my girlfriend (whom I also do doubles with) actually leaves during my appts. When my appt arrives, she then leaves. She doesn't "lurk" around nor does she interrupt or interfere with my appts. Also, ppl contact me asking if I'm available right then. I'm not sure exactly what you're expecting when you only give me 15 min notice... I mean that's barely enough time to shower!
I don't regularly chime in here on this site
but, here goes.... I've met Magic a few times and I find that her comment concerning her girlfriend is dead on... I always contact a provider at least an hour in advance, so each time I have seen Magic her girlfriend has been gone.
We fellas do get uncomfortable with anyone being around when we visit and I get that as my privacy is important.
Perhaps better communication about what we expect, what we are AND are not comfortable with is in order.... that done, and if then our wishes are not respected.. its time to move on.
Sometimes a short notice date is because the guy was wanting to do something but does not have very much time before he can't be away any longer
TideLWave's Avatar
Actually Vanessa has proved that EVERYONE can be pleased. Just saying. But in all seriousness, I have never met you but I would want the GF gone before I got there not after. I bet many people would agree.
I've seen Michelle several times. She always asks me to let her know when I'm 15 minutes away(time for her gf to leave). Twice, that I can remember, she was still there, but, preparing to leave. It didn't bother me at all - it's not like I didn't know about her.
Magically Delicious's Avatar
And I understand the reason for short notice and I'm almost always able to accommodate that. With short notice however also comes hair not always being perfect or make-up not always done. You can't expect perfection with 15 min notice. I'm sure Vanessa rarely, if ever, accommodates VERY short notice either.
Magically Delicious's Avatar
Actually Vanessa has proved that EVERYONE can be pleased. Just saying. But in all seriousness, I have never met you but I would want the GF gone before I got there not after. I bet many people would agree. Originally Posted by TideLWave
That may be so however don't expect Vanessa's level of service at my rates either.. In my showcase it clearly states I'm no spinner nor do I want to be.. I'm also no spring chicken either nor would I want to be. I've NEVER tried to deceive anyone or pretend to be what I'm not! I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I'm perfectly fine with that. I enjoy MOST of the people I see and a huge majority come back for many more visits. I'm also content with my regulars and enjoy the company of each one and I don't care to see 20 people a week. Only seeing 2-3 ppl a week means I can give them my full attention and highest quality of service I can give them, even if that is a lower quality of service than Vanessa. I'm fine with that!
Magically Delicious's Avatar
Actually Vanessa has proved that EVERYONE can be pleased. Just saying. But in all seriousness, I have never met you but I would want the GF gone before I got there not after. I bet many people would agree. Originally Posted by TideLWave
And she is, when I'm given plenty of notice. If someone contacts me and wants to see me in 15 min, don't expect perfect hair, makeup and her to be gone that fast. That's my point.
Don't sell yourself short by saying that your lower quality than anyone! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is sexy. I prefer fun over "hot" any day.
Don't sell yourself short by saying that your lower quality than anyone! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is sexy. I prefer fun over "hot" any day. Originally Posted by ww32566

Yes!!! So true.
Jjsunday's Avatar
That may be so however don't expect Vanessa's level of service at my rates either.. In my showcase it clearly states I'm no spinner nor do I want to be.. I'm also no spring chicken either nor would I want to be. I've NEVER tried to deceive anyone or pretend to be what I'm not! I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I'm perfectly fine with that. I enjoy MOST of the people I see and a huge majority come back for many more visits. I'm also content with my regulars and enjoy the company of each one and I don't care to see 20 people a week. Only seeing 2-3 ppl a week means I can give them my full attention and highest quality of service I can give them, even if that is a lower quality of service than Vanessa. I'm fine with that! Originally Posted by Magically Delicious

MD I really wouldn't cut yourself short you know I have never met you but I have read some of your reviews and it seems like the time you give you are all about the guys you are with. And to me it was just Rude to throw someone else in your face like the way He did.......That was just BS. you know you don't have to explain any thing about your service and try to justifly it ether you and Vanessa is two diferant girls and most eveyone I have met on here is all differant and that what I love about the Hobby !

So just keep on keeping on MD !