Fox News has to apologize for Trump’s mouthpiece Pirro. Again.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Red meat for the faithful?

If anyone is un-American is today’s Trump loyalist, who blindly follows the lies and divisive, unpatriotic rhetoric of Trump’s state run news channel.

Of course she didn’t say anything nearly as outrageous as we read in this forum all day every day.

The alt-right is an American tragedy.
Fox News denounces Pirro comments on Omar

Fox News on Sunday night denounced remarks by host Jeanine Pirro this weekend suggesting that Rep. Ilhan Omar supports Sharia law in defiance of the U.S. Constitution because she wears a hijab.

“We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro’s comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar," the network said in a statement. "They do not reflect those of the network and we have addressed the matter with her directly.”

Pirro's comments came on her weekly broadcast Saturday during a segment criticizing Omar, whose recent statements about Israel have provoked bipartisan repudiation and a House resolution condemning bigotry. Omar (D-Minn.) in 2018 became one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

“She’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat Party. So if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from?” Pirro said. “Think about it. Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Quran 33:59 tells women to cover so they won’t get molested.

“Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?” Pirro said.

Pirro did not apologize in a statement Sunday night, insisting: "I did not call Rep. Omar un-American."

She added: "My intention was to ask a question and start a debate, but of course because one is Muslim does not mean you don’t support the Constitution. I invite Rep. Omar to come on my show any time to discuss all of the important issues facing America today.”

Pirro’s remarks were swiftly rebuked Sunday on social media, with Bret Stephens, the conservative New York Times columnist, calling her “a disgrace” in a tweet.

“Ilhan Omar’s right to wear hijab in accordance with her religious convictions is as constitutional as an Orthodox Jewish woman's right to wear a sheitel,” Stephens wrote. “Anything less is un-American.”

At least one of Pirro’s Fox News colleagues took issue with the insinuation. Hufsa Kamal, who identifies herself online as a producer at the network, tweeted: “@JudgeJeanine can you stop spreading this false narrative that somehow Muslims hate America or women who wear a hijab aren’t American enough? You have Muslims working at the same network you do, including myself. K thx.”

Pirro is a favorite media personality of President Donald Trump, and the two New Yorkers enjoy a warm relationship. He regularly grants her interviews and has promoted her most recent book from the Oval Office. Pirro and fellow Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared onstage with Trump in November at his final campaign rally before the midterm elections.
winn dixie's Avatar
OMG this is such an injustice. Make a big deal outta nothing!
Should we picket riot and loot?
themystic's Avatar
Sad that Un American behavior is the norm for the Trump pajama boys. Trump women just do as they are told. Moscow Jeannie is actually a pretty normal Trump fan. A liar and fraud
TheDaliLama's Avatar
OMG this is such an injustice. Make a big deal outta nothing!
Should we picket riot and loot? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Haters gonna hate.
winn dixie's Avatar
Haters gonna hate. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Libs definitely have hate down to a science.
themystic's Avatar
All you have to do is tell people something and 38% of people believe you. Funny how that’s about where Trumps approval ratings stay. His followers are ignorant
  • oeb11
  • 03-11-2019, 09:49 AM
Pirro asked a valid question.
Do orthodox Islamists support Sharia over the Constitution?
Some do , Some maybe not.

There is a concept called Taqiyah - To Lie to infidels to protect Islam
One can be sure Omar is familiar with exercising that concept.

I have no problem with Islamists who wish to integrate into and support America and its' Constitution. Sorting out the Radical terrorists is much more difficult.

DPST's have a clear anti=Semite in their ranks - yet protect her at the cost of the Jewish members of the "Party".
Part of the Progressive ticket is support for Palestine terrorist organizations Hamas and Fatah - which both support eradication of Israel and genocide of all the Jewish People.
Something SomeOne who posts here has made his anti-Semitic racism in support of these terrorists Very Clear!

It is very much a shame that the three major Judeo-Christian -Islamic religions - all children of Abraham - cannot seem to learn the word "SHARE" and co-exist in peace - as all 3 religions worship the same God.

And a shame SomeOne cannot post anything other than "you are ignorant and DKYS"!
themystic's Avatar
You might want to review the stats at how Jews vote. Just because Trumps girlfriend married a Jew doesn’t suddenly make Trump the King of the Jews. We already had one of those. The modern day GOP is nothing more than a bunch of ignorant racists that don’t know their stuff. What a bunch of phonies
  • oeb11
  • 03-11-2019, 10:25 AM
Nothing to add but name-calling and hatred
how sad and self-destructive.
bambino's Avatar
Where did Fox issue an apology?????
themystic's Avatar
Nothing to add but name-calling and hatred
how sad and self-destructive. Originally Posted by oeb11
thats the first thing we have agreed on in a while. they should cancel her show. welcome to the light oeb
There is a concept called Taqiyah - To Lie to infidels to protect Islam
One can be sure Omar is familiar with exercising that concept. QUOTE]

Most prolly are well versed in that term, however, should there be someone who is not....

...four words everyone should familiarize themselves with:

Takkiyya (Taqiyah)




And I agree per your assessment of Omar employing this (these) concept(s)…..its becoming clearer by the day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did Fox issue an apology????? Originally Posted by bambino
Sorry. I meant to say CONDEMNATION.

Tough shit ain't it? Up is down. White is black. And Fox is MSM...
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1061335458]
There is a concept called Taqiyah - To Lie to infidels to protect Islam
One can be sure Omar is familiar with exercising that concept. QUOTE]

Most prolly are well versed in that term, however, should there be someone who is not....

...four words everyone should familiarize themselves with:

Takkiyya (Taqiyah)




And I agree per your assessment of Omar employing this (these) concept(s)…..its becoming clearer by the day. Originally Posted by oeb11
Why are you right wingers make believe Christians so scared of these make believe Muslims and make believe socialists? The founders of the Constitution weren't Christians, they were Deists. Btw Id fuck Judge Jeannie

Why are you right wingers make believe Christians so scared of these make believe Muslims and make believe socialists? The founders of the Constitution weren't Christians, they were Deists. Btw Id fuck Judge Jeannie Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You'd fuck Judge Jeanine? Hmmm that's a drop in age from you playing grab ass with Nancy (78 yo) compared to Pirro (67 yo), mystic. Looks like you like them "younger gals", hmmm?

Now me, on the other hand
....I'd love to smash CNN's own, Pamela Brown....who comes in at that baby-like age of 35 years of age.....yeah, that'd be fun alrighty...