Key Greenland glacier growing again after shrinking for years, NASA study shows

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Now we don’t have to worry for 14 years.
winn dixie's Avatar
SSHHHHHHHHH, libs could be listening! They won't like this!
This global warming horse shit is just like the horse shit flung by the lefties in the '70's and '80's. I.E.: Acide rain, Chlorofluorocarbons... They tried to scare everybody to control them. But all of it ended up being complete bull shit. Same shit with global warming. However, the numbers were not working out so they had to make a change, Climate change. Now the lefty queers can have it both ways. The numbers show the earth getting hotter - Climate change. It starts getting cooler - climate change. Most thinking folks see through this. But the typical low I.Q. lefty believes the BS.
bambino's Avatar
The Polar Bears are partying like it’s 1999.
Do you realize that acid rain was real? Do you realize that measuring levels of acidity in lakes was simple and easily performed, and that the results proved that acidification was occurring? Do you know that there were policy changes enacted because of scientists identifying acidification in freshwater, and those policy changes (imposed on the private sector) had positive results regarding protecting water resources? The next thing you will dispute is the value of the Clean Water Act.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
no one is arguing that air pollution isn't real..

that's always a concern
Somehow the glaciers getting bigger is proof that Global Warming is real and caused by man.

Fuck the theory of man made global warming and all its adherents.

Fake science.
bamscram's Avatar
You're right April 1st the low is going to be in the low 40's a normal spring day for Houston...a definite sign of man made climate change!!
Do you realize that acid rain was real? Do you realize that measuring levels of acidity in lakes was simple and easily performed, and that the results proved that acidification was occurring? Do you know that there were policy changes enacted because of scientists identifying acidification in freshwater, and those policy changes (imposed on the private sector) had positive results regarding protecting water resources? The next thing you will dispute is the value of the Clean Water Act. Originally Posted by agrarian

Hair spray and deodorant were suppose to make the ozone layer disappear. Then fry everybody on the planet. Acid rain was going to burn us alive. Anyway, that was my impression as a kid.

My point being that the left tends to exaggerate to control. If the lefties actually thought the world would end in 12 years due to greenhouse gas emissions, they would not be driving around in limos and flying private jets at their leisure. It's all bullshit. What a joke!

I'm all for pollution control and conservation, btw.
I assure you sir, that there are many people who are not driving around in limos and jets because they have a conscience about using fossil fuels. Pay attention to the number of people riding bicycles or using public transportation or buying fuel efficient cars. Have you noticed that auto makers brag about fuel efficiency. There's a reason for that. There's a growing audience and consumer base supporting increased fuel efficiency and for minimizing the use of fossil fuels. You may not care about fuel efficiency or minimizing fossil fuel use but I know countless people who do care.