AMP/Studio Nerves

I have gone to a few places and had good times but I am so god damn nervous that the cops are going to bust in at any moment. Am I missing something that they cant just kick in a door/raid etc...

You have a better chance of hitting the lottery. Figuratively of course.
If you are in a place that gets raided, LE is there for a girl(s) unless you openly admit to paying for extras you should be alright. They will probably harass you but you are only here for a massage.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
You have a better chance of hitting the lottery. Figuratively of course. Originally Posted by majorjones
Other than $1.00, $2.00, $4.00 & $6.00 on occasion I have never won the lottery. I have been in more than one AMP in my birthday suit during a raid. I got more trouble from the mamasan for trying to get my house fee back than I did from L.E. The only thing that makes me nervous is worrying about how much the lady is going to laugh when I flip over.
most I won in a lotto was 200 bucks.. went and spent it on an AMP.

the odds of being in a SPA/AMP depends on the following:
1) what area of town? Some areas they get overlooked like pebble of sand.

2) is it an election year?

3) are there any conventions in town?

4) is the spa/amp in the 1960 area or north there of?
Michael8219's Avatar
Reportedly one familiar Amp connoisseur sweats at some amps but I think that is due to thermostat being set higher than his desired temperature from early spring to late fall rather than any true sting or LE rushing in.

As long as you follow unwritten protocol including getting butt nekid on the table and/or caressing the lady's behind and upper thigh you should be fine. Assuming she reacts positively to your caresses.
I feel more comfortable at an AMP than I do at some hourly rented room that ends with Inn and has pimps in the bathroom . The high traffic AMP’s do raise the stakes some (IMO), I avoid those.
I feel more comfortable at an AMP than I do at some hourly rented room that ends with Inn and has pimps in the bathroom . The high traffic AMP’s do raise the stakes some (IMO), I avoid those. Originally Posted by JTskillz
I hear ya. It really depends on the area of town. Most pimps and sketchy ladies won't stray too far from the "hoods" and what I find ideal is meet the lady there and you get the room. If she shows up with someone just cancel. Sure she can text her pimp/friend the room if he followed her there but if he starts banging on the door, call the office.

If she lets him in, call 911, he is an unwelcomed guest.

I have been contemplating another thread on here about "do you carry a firearm when you hobby"

1st off if you see reputable ladies you leave the gun in the vehicle. If you are meeting them at the hotel and you get there first, you can hide the pistol in the room (get the room for 2+ hours, this way you can check it out, hide a pistol and once she leaves retrieve it without her knowing)

I know I sound paranoid or whatever but all it takes is for her to call her friend and have them bang on the door. I have had that happen once. I called the front desk and they came out and told the dude to leave and if he did not they would call the cops. Meanwhile the girl was having a hissy fit so I told her either she gives back the $$$ (we had not done anything, in fact all I had done was remove my shirt) or when the cops arrive I will tell the cops you set me up to be robbed. I got my money back.

have never gone to the cheezy motel again.
O'Mike's Avatar
I have been contemplating another thread on here about "do you carry a firearm when you hobby" .................... Originally Posted by GhostRiderYYZ

I think that is an excellent idea.

(I for one, never leave it in the car.)

Italia DiBella's Avatar
latinluvr465's Avatar
"do you carry a firearm when you hobby" Originally Posted by GhostRiderYYZ
Gives new meaning to shooting your load.
Michael8219's Avatar
I think that is an excellent idea.

(I for one, never leave it in the car.)

. Originally Posted by O'Mike
Here is a recent Houston review where the provider is carrying. Imagine if both provider and hobbyist are carrying, one or both under the influence, and had a dispute?
This is a good thread with good information. Havent been to a Houston Amp only Dallas. Not sure they operate the same here.
Love the insight and humor! Thanks everyone!!