Twitter Blacklists Mathematician Who Testified at Arizona Voter Fraud Hearing
By Liberty Sword - December 1, 2020
Twitter banned the account of Bobby Piton, a mathematician and expert witness who testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing yesterday.
According to reports on Twitter, Piton’s account was suspended during his testimony, while the hearing was still ongoing.
At the hearing, Piton said if he was in charge of certifying Arizona’s election results, he would “rather resign” than do so:
If I was an executive at a publicly traded company, I would never sign that, because I risk jail time and having all my money taken from me in lawsuits. So, to answer your question, I would never, ever, have certified. I’d rather resign than certify those results.
I believe they’re fraudulent based on the data, and my sister asked me a simple question this morning, she goes ‘how sure are you?’… And I said, I’d be willing to put my life on it. I’m that sure about my analysis, assuming that the data that I got, from the state and everything else was accurate.
Piton’s full testimony can be watched at the video below:
This comes a few days after Twitter suspended the account of Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano, who testified at that state’s election hearing. Twitter later said that Mastriano’s suspension was an “error.”
Twitter has been escalating censorship against President Donald Trump and his supporters ever since votes were cast in the election. An analysis conducted a few days after election night found that half of the President’s tweets had been censored in some manner by Twitter.