Been a long time coming (heh), but I want to stop hobbying because 1) Finances and 2) I don't want to risk my (so far) clean record anymore as a person somewhere in
their 20s. That being said, I have several questions:
1: If I stopped cold turkey today, is
there still a chance that LE would come knocking on my door in the future? Months from now? Years? Decades? If yes, then I guess what's the likelihood?
2: What would old text messages on SMS (naive, stupid me used my actual phone a couple times) come back to bite me in the rear? Luckily for me, I've never EVER texted any explicit things like sex, bj, or any of the sort, but I've asked about availability before as if asking for appointments. Idk, kinda paranoid about this one.
3: Same with CashApp/PayPal, is it possible that I've already or could be flagged for soliciting/prostitution already?
Chances are I will regress and give in to desire in the future, but I genuinely do want to stop. Tbh, I'm feeling really paranoid. If anything, I jusy want some reassurance if there is any. Any insight would be highly appreciated