Got caught but didn't get CAUGHT!!!!! Have a question for veterans

So here's my dilemma. My wife just recently went through all my work and personal credit card statements. During her forensic accounting she came by the cash advances. I was able to play it off but it came at a cost. So she now thinks I have a gambling problem. I chose the less of the two evils and for the most part walked away with a slap on the hand....

I'm fairly new to the hobby but over the past few months have had tremendous time. My question is for the veterans. How can I continue the hobby without my wife knowing (AKA the forensic accountant).

For the record I have a fixed salary. I'm not in sales so there is no bonuses and everything are in joint accounts that she has control over. Hence the nickname frantic account.

Thanks in advance....

Newbie in a pinch
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... she now thinks I have a gambling problem. I chose the lesser of the two evils ... Originally Posted by Ceric1371
That's what Walter White thought. How'd it turn out for him?

As a wise man once said, Download more porn.
Im not a veteran but have been doin it a couple years. When I go to the store or anywhere that has cash back I always get $10-20 back not matter what. It can take a lil while but it works for me. Hope this helps ya some.
So here's my dilemma. My wife just recently went through all my work and personal credit card statements. During her forensic accounting she came by the cash advances. I was able to play it off but it came at a cost. So she now thinks I have a gambling problem. I chose the less of the two evils and for the most part walked away with a slap on the hand....

I'm fairly new to the hobby but over the past few months have had tremendous time. My question is for the veterans. How can I continue the hobby without my wife knowing (AKA the forensic accountant).

For the record I have a fixed salary. I'm not in sales so there is no bonuses and everything are in joint accounts that she has control over. Hence the nickname frantic account.

Thanks in advance....

Newbie in a pinch Originally Posted by Ceric1371
If you are willing to get divorced over this, then continue. But be assured that she will be watching you...forever.

If you think it's worth the risk, then find a trusted friend who wil give you cash in exchange for something of value. Like you buy a Best Buy gift card and they give you cash. Then only hobby at times that coincide with your local Gambles Anonymous meetings.

But remember, she can probably track your every move. And if she tells any of her girlfriends, one of them may tip her off that you might not be a gambler.

That's the best I've got for you. Lets see what advice the guys have.
Im not a veteran but have been doin it a couple years. When I go to the store or anywhere that has cash back I always get $10-20 back not matter what. It can take a lil while but it works for me. Hope this helps ya some. Originally Posted by Thurgood Jenkins
That is very good advice. You can also buy things and return them to places you know will give you cash back for a debit card purchase return.
freakycowboy's Avatar
Oh I don't know. Grow a pair and tell her if you want to gamble once in a while you will? Just kidding hobby buddy, but it sounds like quite a dilemma. Guess ya better save your lunch money for a while before setting up a session...
When you go out to dinner with the guys withdraw $100 and order grilled cheese.
Tell her if she would put wouldnt have to "gamble".. lol and then block ur nuts!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Do the cash back thing. It may take you a month or so to build up enough cash to play. Also, see if you can find a provider who will barter.
JCM800's Avatar
For the record I have a fixed salary. I'm not in sales so there is no bonuses and everything are in joint accounts that she has control over. Hence the nickname frantic account.

Thanks in advance....

Newbie in a pinch Originally Posted by Ceric1371
this is why joint accounts are a bad idea.

try opening up a savings/checking account at another bank, then have a portion of your check deposited into it every payday.
Donning my flame-proof undies here:

Take up a hobby. What works for me is shooting and reloading. It really is a hell of a lot of fun. After you have a few guns, you can start to get into it and go to gun shows. Take your wife to a few. Let her see how everyone at the gun show pretty much just walks around with wads of cash to pay for guns and ammo, or guns to sell for cash.

Voila! You now have a reason to have large amounts of cash on hand, and a reason for the funds to get larger or smaller. Sometimes I go to the gun show and get a new toy! Sometimes I find a hooker with really big tits and get my brains fucked out! And I always have plausible deniability.

The shooting sports. Gotta love it!
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Okay, I'd better begin my input with a warning for meeker souls. See advisory above.

Sorry to hear about your snooping wife, pal, but you actually have a much deeper problem than your wife merely finding out about your hobby escapades, but you seem to be running scared that you cannot see the full extent of your problem.

Pardon the vernacular, but your wife is a controlling bitch and if it is not this thing then it will be something else that she roots out if you allow her to continue muckraking through your life.

First of all, you must take full control of your finances if you ever expect to take control of your life. You took the coward's way out by admitting to a lesser evil however, in so doing you gave her tacit permission to ransack your life. You must be a man, not a whipping boy.

. . . You don't need more clever ways to hide what you are doing. You need a better wife or maybe you don't even need a wife at all.

RedLeg505's Avatar
Donning my flame-proof undies here:

Take up a hobby. What works for me is shooting and reloading. It really is a hell of a lot of fun. After you have a few guns, you can start to get into it and go to gun shows. Take your wife to a few. Let her see how everyone at the gun show pretty much just walks around with wads of cash to pay for guns and ammo, or guns to sell for cash.

Voila! You now have a reason to have large amounts of cash on hand, and a reason for the funds to get larger or smaller. Sometimes I go to the gun show and get a new toy! Sometimes I find a hooker with really big tits and get my brains fucked out! And I always have plausible deniability.

The shooting sports. Gotta love it! Originally Posted by PFCffff
Gotta go with this one. Interesting that PFCfff found the same route I did. I've taken the wife to a few gun shows, plus taken her to a few ranges and let her test fire some of the purchases. Now she's no longer interested in going along when I tell her I'm on the way to a gun show or the range. Now as to the other part, we started off with separate checking accounts. She has hers, I have mine. Yes we both have "access" to each others in the event of emergency but she doesn't go snooping around mine and I don't go snooping around hers. I would strongly suggest a separate account with some portion of your monthly paycheck going to it.
Also, if you haven't already, join a gym. Dual purpose of coming home showered and unaccounted for time.

But the new past time is a great way to get some independent funds,
Honestly, I agree with PFC. As a man, you are entitled to an expensive hobby.

But if she's trying to be responsible, and just finding ways to save more money, there is nothing wrong with her being a forensic accountant. That could also mean suddenly developing a legitimate hobby or past time would be frowned upon as well.

I would definitely be on the lookout for something that you could use as an alibi in order to justify spending the money.

All the best!