Anthony Weiner Comes Clean

Just this afternoon, NY Representative Anthony Weiner admitted that it was indeed he who sent the text of his erection, ala encased in underwear, to a young Lady.

Why the heck didn't he just say this in the beginning? He had to know that sooner or later, the truth would come out.

Everybody is calling Sarah Palin stupid, (they get ignorance confused with stupid), so will Rep Weiner get the same treatment for doing something that is just down right stupid.

And these are the people in charge.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The man is a total idiot.

Sending a text message like that in the first place is moronic.

Lying about it afterwards only compounds it.

Now he is apologizing for it?

. . . His career has just gone up in smoke!
Weiner is a 5 time Congressman from a very liberal enclave in NY. He is in no more danger of loosing his Seat than Sheila Jackson Lee, a card carrying moron.

That is, unless another shoe drops. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Who knows what the Congressman has been up to.

Hell, he might be one of us. I wonder what his handle is? Surely not "weiner".
DragonTongue's Avatar
He'll get a free pass of course... or else a job offer from CNN like Spitzer.
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., a "family values" proponent, was re-elected quite easily in the 2010 election. This after it was disclosed he had received phone calls from a madam as he was voting in the Senate. I think its pretty safe to say Mr. Weiner, pending the release of further damning information, doesn't have a lot to fear as a candidate.

There are dozens of examples of very forgiving voters these days. The old saying remains: unless you're caught with a dead girl or a live boy, you're pretty gold.
Everyone knows that there is only enough blood in a mans body to supply one head. If his little head was erect then his big head was lacking blood flow, thus not allowing him to think this through. Don't blame him for being stupid. It's his Weiner's fault.
(Weiner dysfunction a new medical syndrome)
Tex9401's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-06-2011, 11:16 PM
The man is a total idiot.

Sending a text message like that in the first place is moronic.

Lying about it afterwards only compounds it.

Now he is apologizing for it?

. . . His career has just gone up in smoke!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

And John Edwards fucking around behind his wife's back while she was enduring aggressive cancer treatment is OK by you?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Weiner could very well face a challenge in the Democratic primary. He's not popular within the Democratic caucus so he won't have any cover from Congressional Democrats. He's a former aid to Sen. Chuck Schumer, but Schumer is bound to be might pissed off that Weiner didn't come clean earlier and let Schumer embarass himself by defending Weiner. He will also have support from the Clinton family only so long as he has support from his wife. She is a top aide who is very close to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. IF she bolts, then all the Clinton machine support vanishes.

Also, while I understand that these sorts of actions aren't undertaken because of lack of attention at home, Weiner's wife if one of the most incredibly attractive women I have ever met. Beyond stunning. Far more attractive than her pictures, if you can believe it. And one of the smartest and nicest people you will ever meet. Why she's with this guy, I have no idea.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Also don't forget that New York lost two seats in Congressional redistricting. One of those two seats has to come mostly out of New York City. So the New York legislature could carve up Weiner's district into adjoining districts and pair him with another Democratic incumbent. Perhaps the most likely to benefit from this would be Gregory Meeks, who currently represents NY-6.

Maps can be seen by zooming here:
Also, while I understand that these sorts of actions aren't undertaken because of lack of attention at home, Weiner's wife if one of the most incredibly attractive women I have ever met. Beyond stunning. Far more attractive than her pictures, if you can believe it. And one of the smartest and nicest people you will ever meet. Why she's with this guy, I have no idea.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It has nothing to do with the fact that his wife is incredibly beautiful. As you and everyone here should be acutely aware.. if the intimacy is not there, the guy is going to go elsewhere for it.

In addition, I think that there is some excitement that comes with sexting to women a man hasn't met or doesn't know, and men in positions of power typically have a bit of a narcissistic personality (in some cases) where "sexting" feeds into that. The whole "look at me, do you think I am sexy"?

We are all guilty of this type of behavior at some point in our lives, and we are making such a big deal out of what he did. It is not surprising that he lied, not surprising at all.

America is so hell bent on their puritanical/hypocritical ways concerning sex, sexual relations outside the marriage that it sets the stage for these people to feel embarrassed, and feel that what they are doing is wrong, then when caught lie about it. What do we expect?

"Basically, people are engaging in the same fantasies and behaviors that they always have," Marshall said. "But now they have the technology to back it up."
The guy's Jewish. He convinced a Muslim to marry him. That's tap-dancing on an All-Star level. I'm willing to bet he skates on this.
totally off topic, but since TTH put his 2cents in ....I haven't met the Ms. Weiner; but I don't think she is all that beautiful...those are glamour shots cropped from magazine/pr spreads which are likely highly re-touched and stylized ...the ones I have seen show an over-sized grill; and not very appealing facial structure or body figure.

the first photo appears to be taken using a soft focus lens; which is an old trick in photogrpahy when the subject matter has alot of flaws....I doubt the middle shot is even her.....

BTW I hope he sticks around and continues to be the embarassment to the Democrats that he is.......

And the Vitter situation isn't the same. Vitter didn't do a public lie-fest accusing innocent people while trying to deflect blame from himself and attacking others. He didn't send unsolicited pornogrpahy to single moms.

Take a look at this gummy grill..........its a jump ball whose nose is bigger.

When I saw the first picturs of her, (public, not glammed up), I figured she was his twin sister.

Skinny, one of those mouths that could take a apple in whole, and a beak for a nose.

And since ole Anthony was beating his meat while talking to chicks on the phone, probably not worth a crap in bed.

Hell, he should try the defense that Bill Clinton SHOULD have used. That being, when it went public that he was getting serviced under the oval office desk, he should have looked right in the camera and said, "come on, give me a break. Look what I have to live with".
maybe shes a "two face"?..Seinfeld had dated one once, spent the whole episode finding a place he could take her for the correct lighting, seems he found it in aparticular restaurant booth.She in the end though got sick of always having dates there..Kramer through a monkey wrench into it though when he met her on the street and contested with her that she was in fact , not, his girlfriend when he said Jerrys GF was actually much prettier..then she thought Jerry was cheating on her when in reality , he was cheating on her with her..