What is a guy's time worth?

Whispers's Avatar
Ladies get upset when they see a NCNS pop up....... But often even their offer to "make it up" shows little valuation of a client's time.... We hear about the ladies preparation and the time lost can anyone discuss a fair way to value the client's?

A guy like myself might spend an hour or so researching, sending out inquiries, communicating and making a decision..... Then shower and freshen up......... it's hard NOT spend 30 minutes getting anywhere in Austin these days.... IF he shows up and wastes another 30 minutes before giving up then that is 2 to 3 hours of a guys day.....

What's fair in "making it up" to him?
Nice 1starred in 10 minutes. Gotta be a record

Some of us drive over an hour to come. Certainly makes me more diligent in deciding.
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah... and if ya pop a little "Vitamin V" before heading somewhere ya got a raging hard-on by the time ya get there.... then what?......

What do you settle for RR? Assume there is NO reasonable/acceptable excuse for the girl to no show.....
Truthfully an apology. However there are more generous ladies. I know of a provider who doubles your time on the reschedule. For the most part I believe the post and reviews keep it to a minimum, think I've had 8 in a little over 4 years.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I do like the sound of the doubling the time as a make up
I've never NCNS'd anyone. Ever. And I take pride in that. There have been times when I've had to cancel last minute, and even then I offered the guy more time and/or a discount because I felt horrible for canceling last minute.

This goes back to the 'how to be a better hooker' thread - if there was one rule for hookers it would be to never, ever, never NCNS. That shit is just completely unprofessional. If I ever NCNS, you can bet that I'm either in the back of an ambulance or the back of a police car.
Whispers's Avatar
I've never NCNS'd anyone. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
The thread was not about you or NCNS in general.... I think everyone agrees it is unprofessional....

It was about what people think is fair in regards to a man's time when dealing with the issue.
If it's a family emergency there shouldn't be a worth.
I had a client that cancelled because his daughter was stranded while traveling.
We all have family members that need us.
I understand your point but a providers Job depends on a guy showing for her to achieve income. Yes, they are going to complain.
You aren't comparing apples to apples in this situation.

A mans job is solid unless he does appointments and that would
be a fair comparison to worth. If
most of your clients didn't show
as schduled you would be pissed.
A person shouldn't pressure a client
with guilt over an emergency or vise versa.
Every business charges for mistakes, such as; No show, late fees, and the
same should apply here.
I would discount a future appt with the client if I was cancelling. Empathy is apart of keeping clients.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 01-14-2015, 07:38 AM
Let's ad a little more to this scenario. There are also time I go to the trouble to reorganize my day, which on at least two occasions required rearranging meetings and such. My time is money, that's why one strike and you're out with me. The one and only way to make it up is to compensate me for the time you cost me. Never have I NCNSd a lady and I expect the same treatment. Like it or not, this is a business transaction. In business, if someone screws me over, they either make it right or I do not do business with them ever again. Period! So what's fair? If she wastes an hour of my time then that is what it costs her—an hour of her time.

In my time here I have had one provider actually be professional enough to do this and that was Sarah Smiles. As a result, she got much more in return business. On the flip side of that coin, EFN decided to be a bitch about it, basically told guys to fuck off, and she now has a reputation that is not going to quickly go away (not if I can help it).
gleemonex's Avatar
I think that some people are losing the intent. Whispers isn't saying that NCNS should never happen. As some have pointed out, there are things that could occur which make them unavoidable.

Its just that there is a bit of a double standard, because if it happens for the monger, then it is made to be a huge deal, wasting her time, costing her money, etc, etc. And I am not disagreeing with any of that, those are all true. The thing is, when it is the provider that has it happen to her (could be the VERY SAME provider), well it was unavoidable and it really isn't a big deal, here fine, I'll take $20 off your next appointment!!!!

Now I have never NCNS, and obviously I never intend to. But if I did, there would be a damn good reason for it and I would want to make it up to the provider. I just expect the same courtesy in return. If I get stood up, honestly, I don't care about the reason, but I want her to consider all of my wasted time, not just for the appointment, but as Whispers suggests, I think every provider would agree they want to see a cleaned up guy. Doing all of that takes time. That is time I could have spent doing something else, if not for the idea that I was going to be "conducting business" with her, just as the reverse is true. Whispers point is there should be some respect the other way, and attempts to make it right. That doesn't really seem to be the case in any of the times I have been stood up. The BEST I ever got was like I mentioned, someone offering to get me a GREEEAAAAAT deal on my next appointment. That great deal was $20 off. That really didn't make up for my lost time in my opinion.
Whispers's Avatar
I think it is very telling that women will not participate in a discussion on the valuation of a client's time or want to use it for self promotion.

On one hand they wish to be treated as a professional but when held up and expected to BE professional they go all "girly" on us..

How often do we hear....

"Respect our time and treat us as a professional"
"Respect us and treat us as an equal"
"We are fragile flowers that need to be given gifts and tipped as well"

"Oh... and you guys just need to learn to get over it when we are late or forget you or put someone else in front of you or instead of you because he wants more time or is a better tipper."
Whispers's Avatar
If it's a family emergency there shouldn't be a worth.

Some girls have "family emergency" as an recurring issue. It is a convenient excuse in most cases but nothing more than that.

I had a client that cancelled because his daughter was stranded while traveling.
We all have family members that need us.
I understand your point but a providers Job depends on a guy showing for her to achieve income. Yes, they are going to complain.
You aren't comparing apples to apples in this situation. Actually I am not making a comparison. I was asking how people felt a client's time should be valued?

A mans job is solid unless he does appointments and that would
be a fair comparison to worth.

So, in your opinion, a man's time has no value, because he does not incur any loss of income?

If most of your clients didn't show
as scheduled you would be pissed.
A person shouldn't pressure a client
with guilt over an emergency or vise versa.

Overtime, patterns develop and it becomes obvious that it was never really an emergency with most.

Every business charges for mistakes, such as; No show, late fees, and the
same should apply here.
I would discount a future appt with the client if I was cancelling. Empathy is apart of keeping clients. Originally Posted by siberia
How much of a discount?

What would his time be worth?

The point of the thread may be getting lost on you as most of your comments were regarding the reverse happening to a lady. My post never suggested it did not happen or that a woman should not be shown consideration. I have not offered my opinion on that in this thread as it is about the client.

Now, question... A lady has a track record of NCNSs... Client schedules appt anyway. Many fish in the pond, but he wants the one that has a history of getting away. Is he to expect to be taken care of by a lady who is famous for poor TCB? How much does HE value his time?
And I think a lot of ladies are not participating in this because, truth be told, when you NCNS, you cannot truly EVER give the time/money back to the person. No matter what side of the fence you are. And to go into specifics of what one has done vs the other can be a bad idea because I am sure, even within the same provider, given the circumstances, she has approached the situation differently from one client to another (hopefully, not too many clients, lol). But even offering a free session, one cannot truly give the client his time back.

If a client ncns me and I choose to see him again (which I often do), I don't ask to be rewarded for it, but I do "compensate" my clients even if I have to do a last minute cancellation. How much, that's really between the specific client and I, and depending on the situation.

Stick to the point whispers as you
basically told me.
Don't throw up and
change the actions that
could cause NCNS.
I was referring to legit
If it was directed at ladies
that abuse the system the
system you should have
implied that up front.
Everything is not black
and black.