Austin is growing fast and disposable income as well ladies. Charge what you believe the market will bear....

Whispers's Avatar
I was recently accused of being part of another groups efforts to try to raise the price of pussy here in Austin.

What's that old saying? If I'm going to do the time I might as well do the crime?

Check out the above story ladies.

Austin is growing faster than any other city in Texas and is the 3rd fasted growing city in the United States.

That means a lot more then just "people". The real story lies in the people coming here and the money they make.

I am sure you have all noticed prices going up around us. Housing faster than anything but across the board increases.

What does that ACTUALLY mean to any of you? That lies in WHERE these people are coming from and what things cost them there.... My personal experiences puts San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Minneapolis and Atlanta in some of the areas we are getting people here from... And form North Carolina and the Boston area for some reason.

They are coming here for new jobs in industries with major players relocating here and as the infrastructure of our city grows they are coming here for all the basics as well..

Go to and play with the calculator there and type in average incomes in other cities and you can see how compares to what those people need to make here to pay for the same lifestyle...... MANY of the people being transferred here as well as those simply being recruited are coming at their present salary levels.

Using the calculator you will quickly see that the growth the city is experiencing means a considerable amount of additional disposable income is here now and continuing to come to Austin. Much of this disposable income is typically expended in a first year in luxury items as well as hobbies.

Ladies..... HOW do you tap into this additional disposable income? You need to research advertising mediums utilized by the ladies in the areas that we are seeing the most growth from.

By no means am I suggesting you leave ECCIE. It is an extremely valuable resource..... But the guys moving here from San Diego or Atlanta may be used to a different board than ECCIE or select their ladies off of some site not typically used here in Austin.

You should start discussing in your own forums resources from other areas that you can use to try to tap into that money...... Maybe it's Eros.... Back Page...

I have no idea.....

But just like every major business in Austin as well as the city itself does, you need to make your presence known in those markets in the medium they are used to reading..... And when doing so.... Make yourself known at the rates they are used to paying...... or slightly below.....

If you can tap into the NEW money that is in Austin your rates will increase quickly and your dependance on groups like OPEC will drop....

Overtime ECCIE will grow.... Many of you ladies will be the Ambassadors that bring ECCIE to the guys that have never heard of it before..... In doing so you can better shape the face of this community if you do not like the face it has now. Win-Win!

Why am I suggesting you are worth more and could charge more? Personally I think it is ALL over priced so it seldom affects me. I've always stated that each and every one of you has the right to charge whatever you decide is good for you. I was recently accused of being a part of an organized effort to raise prices here in Austin and I was unaware of that. Let me apologize and state I'll try to do my part a little better....

Why this? Why now?

Ask Toyz, Rock1Man1, dante0322, NativeTx78 or gleemonex…..

They will surely have an opinion……
The fact that this remained posted for 8 hrs without a single response tells you how seriously you are taken.

You must feel like an entertainer up on stage waiting for that single clap in a room full of disinterested patrons.

I will help you out and break the awkward silence by saying this is hilarious coming from a guy whose entire self identity and claim to fame on the board for years has been the supposed ability to bang coeds for pennies on the dollar.

Now that's entertainment. Well done!
nuglet's Avatar
Ironically, Midland / Odessa is at the top of the list (Austin is #3) as for "cost of living" in Texas.
$1400 average for small 2b 1 bath.. $1000 for studio.. and 1 bdrm.
Ironically, Midland / Odessa is at the top of the list (Austin is #3) as for "cost of living" in Texas.
$1400 average for small 2b 1 bath.. $1000 for studio.. and 1 bdrm. Originally Posted by nuglet
Goes with the territory with guys that are making big bucks working the oil fields for 16 hrs a day saving up for a year. They all need living space which is hard to come by.
I know someone making a killing renting out trailers for $1000/month and doublewides for $2000/month. The key is land which is a sparse commodity out there. If you own some you can park anything on it and rent it out. Someone will pay whatever you ask. Supply and demand.
Whispers's Avatar
The fact that this remained posted for 8 hrs without a single response tells you how seriously you are taken. LOL.... or that it's a slow Sunday with only a few people posting.

You must feel like an entertainer up on stage waiting for that single clap in a room full of disinterested patrons.

Naw..... More like the guys that is in town for a show from Tuesday through Saturday that is prepping some new material on Tuesday and will polish it up by the time we get a few days in....

I will help you out and break the awkward silence by saying this is hilarious coming from a guy whose entire self identity and claim to fame on the board for years has been the supposed ability to bang coeds for pennies on the dollar.

Now that's entertainment. Well done! Originally Posted by Windinhishair

Did you catch my comments that I tend to think they are all too expensive? I think they deserve to charge what they want and I'm not suggesting anyone lower the prices for me.... I found it rather comical to be accused of trying to raise rates and fix prices!

I just decided to quit fighting it and give them what they want...

But truthfully.... There is not much in the thread that calls for any input from the ladies.... My suggestion was that it was something they might want to discuss in private and look into...

What makes you think that any of the ladies give a flying fuck about anything that you have to say/type?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-30-2015, 07:06 AM
What makes you think that any of the ladies give a flying fuck about anything that you have to say/type? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
Just a few hangers on who get stuff on the side...

Everyone else realizes what he is and what he has always been.

Any self respecting chat group would have kicked him to the curb years ago.
Whispers's Avatar
Just a few hangers on who get stuff on the side...

Everyone else realizes what he is and what he has always been.

Any self respecting chat group would have kicked him to the curb years ago. Originally Posted by Toyz
Ya think so huh? LOL....
gleemonex's Avatar
What makes you think that any of the ladies give a flying fuck about anything that you have to say/type? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
I guess I was curious as well why he didn't think providers were already charging what they thought the market would bear? I guess in his mind, all of the providers here are intentionally undervaluing themselves?
Whispers's Avatar
I guess I was curious as well why he didn't think providers were already charging what they thought the market would bear? I guess in his mind, all of the providers here are intentionally undervaluing themselves? Originally Posted by gleemonex

We see ladies discover ECCIE every day that never knew it existed. BackPage girls that never knew it existed. As people discover other mediums they determine that they can get more advertising to the other group. There are many ladies here that do not pause to consider other advertising mediums or customer base.

There is a "business" aspect to their business and many are not aware on how to better market that business. Why certain photos work better than others.... Why certain wording in ads brings them a certain class of clients.

Most ladies simply throw up an ad and take what the market will bear. If they are never aware of the other potential clients they never learn the range that is available to them.

Then we have a group of men here that are intentionally working to lower those prices. Nothing wrong with that at all. I tend to get far more spending far less in other areas of P4P. But when they cross from simply requesting to intimidation or promises undelivered it ceases to be reasonable.
Whispers's Avatar
What makes you think that any of the ladies give a flying fuck about anything that you have to say/type? Originally Posted by Pussy Control

So many of them hang on my every word it seems. I see a few ladies moving their prices up.