Congress Voting Tuesday on Bill H.R.1856

In an attempt to stop sex trafficking, congress is changing section 230 of Communications act of 1934, the Communicatons Decency Act of 1996. This will punish site owners for what their users post by fine or potential jail time of 20 years.

"The bill amends the federal criminal code to specify that the violation for benefiting from "participation in a venture" engaged in sex trafficking of children, or by force, fraud, or coercion, includes knowing or reckless conduct by any person or entity and by any means that furthers or in any way aids or abets the violation.

A provider of an interactive computer service that publishes information provided by an information content provider with reckless disregard that the information is in furtherance of a sex trafficking offense shall be subject to a criminal fine or imprisonment for not more than 20 years."

I'm not entirely sure of the ramifications of this for this site and others that any of you may frequent, but it seemed possibly relevant and thought I'd toss it out there for discussion.
eyecu2's Avatar
Pretty soon that old stack of hustlers will be the only safe place to look at pussy. Thank god i was wise enough to save a few. ��
  • SD78
  • 02-26-2018, 09:25 AM
Say it passes and providers proceed to spam every forum with adds, do they intend to fine or lock up every owner of every site. All it takes is five adds to lock up the site owner for 25 years. Don't we already have an issue with over crowding in the jail system in this country.
  • SD78
  • 02-26-2018, 09:29 AM
Maybe they would like to step into out houses to make sure all the sex we have is government approved.

Sir you are NOT allowed to enter a women at that angle!!!! That is a $50 fine and if I see that again it will be 15 days in county.
More governmental interference in what we may or may not do with our bodies..
Yeah that'll work.