Trump family continues collecting

VitaMan's Avatar
Prior to the election, Trump's son commented how easy it was to get
the Russians to invest in their ideas.

After the election, Trump's son in law has started making trips to China,
working investors on the visa program, to get the Chinese to invest in
their current ideas.

What to make of it ? Business as usual ?

As long as the Trumps collect money, it doesn't matter what they are doing. They
are happy.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar if the obamas didn't get filthy rich during their 8 years, and the Clintons didn't even get to the white house and they got filthy rich.

The amount of corruptness during hussein obamas terms should earn them a spot in the Guinness book of records.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
VitaMan, tell us more about how Trump being a success in life has ruined your chances at success?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
VitaMan, tell us more about how Trump being a success in life has ruined your chances at success? Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
He probably read my reply, started having anxiety problems, and is currently hiding in his safe space with his crayons and coloring book. Obviously he's indoors as Texas in May weather tends to melt snowflakes.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-08-2017, 02:49 PM
If trump doubled his money each year as president his base would be ok with that. No matter what he does, he won. That means they won. For trumpers thats all that matters.
VitaMan's Avatar
That's the way to do it. No defense, start bringing up other people or subjects.

Let's say the Rockets have a bad game, and don't guard anyone. They can start talking about some other teams poor performance in their post game interviews. "Hey, did you see the Celtics game ? They couldn't hit the broadside of a barn."

Trump made a lot of money in Atlantic City. But his investors......well, they got wiped out. So he's a success. I haven't wiped out any investors, so guess I'm not.
oilman12's Avatar
One thing for sure about these tards who defend Trump at any given cost,( now mind you Trump doesn't even know them or give 2 shits about them) is that if you tend to disagree or talk about the orange bafoon you must be an Obama supporter. What a bunch of tards. They think the world revolves around republican and democrats. News flash! Some of us dont give a shit about either. Lastly aren't republicans supposed to be conservative good christians with morals and all that...well then why are you on a hooktard board?? Explain that..
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
One thing for sure about these tards who defend Trump at any given cost,( now mind you Trump doesn't even know them or give 2 shits about them) is that if you tend to disagree or talk about the orange bafoon you must be an Obama supporter. What a bunch of tards. They think the world revolves around republican and democrats. News flash! Some of us dont give a shit about either. Lastly aren't republicans supposed to be conservative good christians with morals and all that...well then why are you on a hooktard board?? Explain that.. Originally Posted by oilman12
Your guess at knowing anything about me is as far off as can be. I see you threw all the typical liberal rhetoric in your comment though. Thanks for identifying who you really are. I would never support the Democratic party for what they have become today. I was raised southern democrat when that was actually something to be proud of. What they have become today I would never support. You try and lump all republicans to be devout christians and that exposes how much of a moron you truley are.
that's why they call them democrats
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Lastly aren't republicans supposed to be conservative good christians with morals and all that...well then why are you on a hooktard board?? Explain that.. Originally Posted by oilman12
Juvenile and sophomoric comment at best. OMG, you shamed us so badly the pain of the shame is really too overwhelming to live with..............

Grow up.
kerwil62's Avatar
If trump doubled his money each year as president his base would be ok with that. No matter what he does, he won. That means they won. For trumpers thats all that matters. Originally Posted by Trey

MisterMeat's Avatar
I am a registered independent, and I hate all politicians...liberal or conservative, dumb-o-crat or republi-cunt.

That being said, I will now say this:

Enjoy Trump's impeachment. After yesterday, it's definitely coming. And he will be convicted.
oilman12's Avatar
I def said tards and it seems the term fits. Typical kool aid drinking tard to always throw around the political labels when someone doesn't agree with their bullshit beliefs.
Gtfoh with that so called conservative or liberal bullshit!

Your guess at knowing anything about me is as far off as can be. I see you threw all the typical liberal rhetoric in your comment though. Thanks for identifying who you really are. I would never support the Democratic party for what they have become today. I was raised southern democrat when that was actually something to be proud of. What they have become today I would never support. You try and lump all republicans to be devout christians and that exposes how much of a moron you truley are. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
oilman12's Avatar
Put the kool aid down. It's not going to make you any smarter. No more than the orange buffoon in office

Juvenile and sophomoric comment at best. OMG, you shamed us so badly the pain of the shame is really too overwhelming to live with..............

Grow up. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
oilman12's Avatar
Now on a side note, given this is a pussy board. His daughters, I'd def would love to fuck either in the ass..although am sure pussy grabber has sampled it already :-D