What’s on your Christmas List, Nashville?!

Hey everyone, Wishing all my Nashville loves a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I cannot believe the holidays are right around the corner. I’m not sure what (or who) is on your Christmas list but I have Nashville on mine. I’m also bringing a surprise with me... my exotic, Latino gf, Zenovia! PM for more info!

We are searching for fun things to do in the area around the middle of December!!!

I’m more than thrilled to catch up with everyone while visiting one of my favorite cities, and also give Zenovia a warm and inviting welcome as well!


Chloe Belle


SlowHand50's Avatar
You two will light Nashville on absolute fire.
Zenovia's Avatar
You two will light Nashville on absolute fire. Originally Posted by SlowHand50
I am truly excited, Nashville has been on my list of places to visit! Super happy my Southern Belle GF and I are finally gonna make it happen!! Thank you SlowHand for your truthful compliment!!