Curiosity questions...

So I'm new to the hobby. But I've noticed that it's mostly focused around Women servicing Men.

Is there a market for servicing women as a man or as a woman? If it is what is it focused around? Is it focused around pentrative sex like it is for the men? Or is it oral focused? Or intimacy focused? What about the nb market?

It seems from everything I see it is pretty mainstream idealization of Women servicing Men... but comeon ladies, I'm sure soemdays you just want your kitty, starfish, tits, body licked until you cum. By statistics alone, most women don't orgasm to pentrative sex, so you'd think there'd be some type of market here.

ED: as a note, I'm aware of the MM market. Specifically talking F/M, NB/M, Trans-Fem/M markets.
I’m just here to read the comments whenever they arrive lol
First off, if you can expand all those abbreviations…